So it snowed again last night. Which is pretty and all until you have to WALK through it... and the bottom of your pants end up wet and dirty and WHITE (from the salt they put down). Which is GREAT for the dress pants I wear to work.
Got Little Miss Sunshine for Christmas and finally got around to watching it. It's fabulous.
I haven't talked about The Office for a while. I love Jim. I love Jim and Dwight. I even love Jim and Andy. Without Jim, the show SUCKS. Are you listening Office TPTB? Oh, and it's freakin' fantastic to have JAM back... the JAM we love. I'm thinking something might happen during February sweeps. Anyone with me?
Prison Break is back! TOMORROW! I can't wait! And for all you MiSa fans (and how can you NOT be?) NEXT week is the week to watch... :D
I couldn't help myself - I started reading Lost spoilers. Yeah, I'm crazy, I know. I waded through a lot of crap just to get the small amount of spoilers that are out.
I don't remember if I've talked about this but Jate has THE emotional scene of 307. Apparently (or should I say obviously?) it involves the walkie-talkie and Jack telling her that she can't EVER come back for him. OBVIOUSLY, this makes Kate a tad upset and Sawyer upset because SHE'S upset. *SIGH* Anyone else want this triangle to end NOW?
EM gave out all these spoilers about Alex helping Kate and Sawyer escape because she wants them to free Karl. Which they do but Juliet makes Alex go back, Juliet shoots Picket, blah, blah, blah. I find it STRANGE that EM was allowed to give out so much information. I also find it STRANGE that anyone thinks we care about Juliet's storyline. Or maybe it's just me that doesn't care about Juliet or any Jack/Juliet storyline that's coming. Unless Jack USES her to get what he wants - I'd love to see bad-ass Jack!
BTW, I'm calling that Alex is Kate's sister. I've heard that Kate is related to one of The Others so this is my theory. Which makes that scene where Alex grabs her boobs a little odd... ;)
And the rumors are the Jack/Kate reunite in 314. That's about all we know... except that Kate, Locke and Sayid (MINUS Sawyer - yay!) join forces (and I say forces because I still believe Kate has some crazy-ass mind powers) to rescue Jack. Oh, and they're saying that The Others only wanted Jack and that Kate and Sawyer were only taken to get Jack to comply. Which I find odd because didn't they say Jack WASN'T on the list? SO, Jack finally gets back with his friends but it takes 7 episodes? Not sure I like this but from what I hear, they've done some MAJOR re-writing of 309 onward... so I guess I should be happy Jack gets rescued so quickly.
So how long does everything think it'll be before Kate sends Sawyer packing (which leads to the return of OLD Sawyer)? How many smart-ass remarks about Jack do you think she'll put up with before hauling off and smacking his ass? Because while I WANT to like Sawyer, I just know they'll have him be all snarky about Jack even though Jack, you know, SAVED HIS LIFE.
WTF was with the rerun of FNL this week? I sat down to watch it and saw Lyla dancing all slutty, Tim enjoying the show with his beer, Tim being all nice to Lyla and Lyla ripping him out for being drunk all the time. 'REPEAT! What the hell?' I yelled at the TV. This week should be new... which should make me happy but this stupid "proposal" has me all kinds of irritated. You'd think they'd figure out that's not what the audience wants to see. When, oh when, will it end??
Didn't do much this weekend except put together the furniture I got as an early birthday present (YAY!), shop (I love Target) and SLEEP. Do not want to go to work tomorrow. Especially since I have to go to court (BOO!).