a is for age: 29
b is for beer of choice: beer is nasty. I like something stronger.
c is for career right now: caseworker
d is for your dog's name: I don't have a dog. I have two cats - Emmy and Joey. Emmy is named after Emily VanCamp and Joey is for Joey on DC. HEE.
e is for essential item you use everyday: My car
f is for favorite TV show at the moment: Can I have THREE? Prison Break, The Office, Friday Night Lights. Lost and I are on a trial separation.
g is for favorite game: Tribond
h is for hometown: Omaha
i is for instruments you play: piano, flute
j is for favorite juice: apple, I guess.
k is for whose butt you'd like to kick: All the stupid people I deal with on a daily basis...
l is for last restaurant you ate at: La Mesa, this kick-ass Mexican restaurant - YUMMY.
m is for marriage: maybe someday.
n is for number of piercings: Two - one in each ear. But I rarely wear earrings.
o is for overnight hospital stays: Two - when I was little (4 or so) and had eye surgery and my tonsils out.
p is for people you were with today: Co-workers.
q is for what you do with your quiet time: Listen to music, surf the Net, play Sims, watch TV.
r is for biggest regret: why regret something you can't change?
s is for status: single.
t is for time you woke up today: 7am.
u is for if you are unique: VERY
v is for vegetable you love: I don't like most vegetables so CORN.
w is for worst habit: my obsessive nature and need to micro-manage everything.
x is for x-rays you've had: My finger... when I broke it TWICE. And my wrist once.
y is for yummy food you ate today: Snickerdoodle from Eileen's Cookies, a local bakery. Yum, yum, YUM.
z is for zodiac sign: Pisces. VERY Pisces.