dream a little dream of me

May 19, 2010 02:03

Wow, I really need a good Glee icon. Suggestions?

So for no particular reason, I've decided to post my thoughts on tonight's episode of Glee! I'm going to be writing my thoughts down as I watch, so expect a lot of craziness and disjointed ideas. Hopefully it'll be a good one tonight!

0:40 - EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE NIEL PATRICK HARRIS. FUCK YES. I AM SO EXCI- wait did he just say his name is “Bryan Ryan”? He totally did. What the hell is that? There had better be jokes on that, or else this writing crew is just getting WAY too lazy with their names...

0:57 - OH GOD. OH GOD IT'S THE EIGHTIES. I'm less than a MINUTE in and already this is my favorite episode ever.

1:20 - Okay, I cannot state how much I already like NPH's character. I'm not even a huge fan of him as an actor, but just... that line. That delivery. “It's just a formality Will-” “No it's not. We'll probably cut the Glee club.”

3:30 - Awwww, I really wanted to see Artie's Big Dream. :(

4:45 - ...did we really need the word-by-word close up? It kinda made it better, but also kinda ruined it. Huh.

5:15 - Am I the only one who thinks this episode started off REALLY fast? I hope it was worth it, because I'm 5 minutes in and I feel like we should be reaching the end of the episode already.

6:00 - Holy shit! Is this going to be the episode where I FINALLY get back to liking Artie and Tina like I used to? I find it kinda sweet that she wants to know what he wrote. “Dancer”!? OH JESUS WRITERS, OW. MY FUCKING HEART.

7:00 - It is amazing how much I Do Not Care about that Jessie guy, or whatever his name is. Rachel is okay, rather annoying but she's supposed to be I think. She also comes across as very strong at times, which I like.

7:50 - Okay, not sure I agree about the 'dreams are this and this and this' bit, but sweet of him to tie it into the 'that's not a dream, that's an inevitability' line.

8:15 - “You're my girlfriend, I want to know all your secrets!” Okay, THAT is just a creepy way of saying “I want to know you better”, and it makes HIM seem like a creepy mole for the evul team of evil Glee people. Vocal Adrenaline or something they're called? Anyways, he's totally a double agent.

9:30 - “I sound like somebody put tap shoes on a horse and then shot it.” Oh Artie, bless your wee heart you hilarious

10:00 - Okay, so that was pretty sad, what with him falling and all, and I feel bad for being so critical, but...THAT needed to be shot better. It completely ruined the whole moment. It wasn't well done, wasn't dramatic, and I expected it to be played off for laughs because of how the camerawork was done. Not great, guys.

13:15 - Jeez, Will, try a little subtlety? As it is you're acting like you want to get in his pants, which may very well be your Plan B for saving Glee club.

14:15 - Please tell me this isn't going to end with Will setting up Bryan McRyan with his exwife. Please. For the love of GOD, writers, PLEASE.

16:00 - Fuck it, episode just got better. Will and (B)ryan singing together is awesome. ALSO, for once I think I don't hate Will's little life lesson. So far, anyways.

16:45 - Oh shit, I cannot wait to see how this pans out. *noms popcorn*

18:45 - OH WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING JESSIE? WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? This is just sad AND creepy now. Good job ramping up the crazy!

20:00 - God damn it, now they're enemies again. Well it was good while it lasted. Also, the line about Will being a sex offender with a caretaker had me in hysterics. Seriously, it took me, like, ten minutes to be sane enough to write this.

20:30 - ...oh my. A duet! :D IT IS INTERESTING AGAIN.

23:00 - SWEET JESUS. I JUST. HOLY SHIT. THAT WAS AMAZING. I love that song as it is, and these two just NAILED IT. The ending, oh GOD the ending, it was just...wow. Even better, though? The CAMERAWORK (yes I'm a filmmaking nerd shut up I love good camerawork). Having a big, amazing set like this allowed for some sick shots, with different angles, with great use of depth, with some PERFECT cuts. Why can't they do this more often? WHY CAN'T WE JUST HAVE MORE OF THIS? WHY?

23:40 - Um. I, um. I don't want to jump the gun, because it's a sensitive matter and I don't want to be a jerk, but I'm going to tentatively say that spinal injuries DO NOT WORK THAT WAY. Or rather, doctors don't just read something that's been printed off the internet and say “WHY YES THAT SOUNDS PRETTY COOL LET'S TRY THAT.” I'll see how the episode plays out before I go any further, but...worried.

23:50 - ….okay, I tried. I waited. I'm calling bullshit. I'm calling some SERIOUS, MAJOR BULLSHIT. He's been paralyzed from the waist down for how long? And now he's had 'treatments' for ONE. FUCKING. DAY. And he can stand? HE CAN STAND UP? What the FUCK writers, why not just have him be struck by Cosmic Radiation to cure his crippling injury? I would honestly find that MORE believable than this bullcrap.

24:15 - Oh. Okay. Um. Either this is a dream sequence, in which case I feel bad for flying off the rails, or this show is just THAT FUCKING RIDICULOUS.

26:45 - Two things. One, I have never loved Safety Dance as much as I do right now. Two, as stupid as that would have been to ACTUALLY HAPPEN, the shot where Artie snaps out of it and is just left sitting there, back in his chair, is HEARTBREAKING. Fuck, man, this isn't fair! Now I want him to get his legs back already! Here's a tip writers: Cosmic Radiation. MAKE IT HAPPEN.

28:30 - So I love Sue. And am a little creeped out right now. Maybe this comes from the idea of the actors actually having sex. Not sure.

29:00 - Totally called it. Jessie the snitch.

31:00 - I think this IS the episode where I decide to like Artie again. Good job so far on this one writers. Not too much awful awful shit. Not so sure about Sue and R(Br)yan sleeping together, but...we'll see I guess.

33:00 - This seems too good to be true. Except maybe the Bedazzled jean jackets. Those are...um...yeah.

33:30 - Okay, so it was too good to be true. Go Sue, you evil witch you! (I feel weird. Too many '-oo' sounds.)

33:45 - Am I the only one who thought NPH killed that ending and totally blew Shu away?

34:45 - Lots of great jokes in this one. Mostly from NPH.

35:30 - Actually Will that's not technically accurate, but I like the analogy, and your life lesson isn't making me want to eat a gun, so keep it up.

36:40 - That's it Jessy! When a girl says she isn't ready, just tell her she is and then kiss her to shut her up! Good job!

39:30 - I'm very divided on what just happened. Amazing, from an audio standpoint. Great vocals, good song. Visually...kinda really boring. I hate to nag on this again, but they could have done SO MUCH MORE, visually, and they just...didn't. I liked the simple black at first, but it really didn't carry itself all the way through for me.


40:50 - “Did he die?” Oh god, Puck, your ONE LINE IN THE WHOLE EPISODE, and I still love you.

43:00 - Sweet jesus, Mike can fuckin' DANCE. I mean, he's always been the best dancer, but WOW. I am impressed.

43:19 - God damn it Artie. ;_; Mike and Tina had better not get together, or writers will be make to bleed.

AAAAAND yeah, holy shit. That's a lot. I did not expect that. I don't think anybody will actually have read this far, but if you did, um...let me know what you thought? Did you like the episode? Comments? Responses to stuff I said? Agree, disagree? Like I said, just let me know!
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