Feb 06, 2008 01:08
Some days I just want to kick and scream and let everyone I'm mad at know just how angry I am with them. I hate these days. I felt so good about today until it finally came and went in a giant shitstorm of disappointment, and now I'm left feeling trapped. Nobody I'm angry at knows, nobody is going to ask or be worried, to everyone else involved it was a normal day.
If I didn't have Lorna to talk to about this, I think I would have gone insane today. Even so, I feel trapped. I want to let them all know how I feel but I can't because they're my friends and I can't burden them like this. They made their decision and I need to tell myself it was the right one.
I just wish I didn't feel so damn inferior.
This would feel even better if I was aware people still read my journal. Hello?