Title: Shopping Bags
Author: l4st_w0rds
Pairing: FRIENDSHIP, HoMin
Genre: attempted lightheartedness
Summary: In which Changmin is a fashionista, Jaejoong is the man, and Yunho desires to be wise like Yoochun.
A/N: Starting off with something light-hearted, then off to bed for the night. I feel we all need some laugh-age. :D <3
"Changmin, you have a million bags. Is any of this stuff what you're going to wear to Jaejoong's?"
"They're all ideas. OH! Look! Aren't those the cutest pair of boots you've ever seen?!"
"Aish. No wonder Yoochun refused to go shopping with you."
"Yunnie! Look at the fringe on these boots! Won't they go perfectly with that jacket I got this morning?!"
"Yeah...sure. They'll go perfectly."
"Tch. Joongie would be more enthusiastic than this..."
"It's a shame he's not here. I might be able to catch a nap..."
"Ya! Jung Yunho! Liven up! This is a very important occasion!"
"He invited you over to watch a movie..."
"Soo many possibilities, right?! My entire wardrobe will dictate my demeanor - which, in turn, could dictate how he perceives me. If I give the wrong impression...Ugh - I shudder to think!"
"Shudder to think your uber gayness might not rub off on him?"
"YAH! You're just jealous."
"Sure," Yunho said, rolling his eyes and dragging armloads of shopping bags into the next store.
Yoochun was one smart cookie.