[Typed // Originally Public, made private about 30 minutes afterwards]
It's been quiet lately. The curses haven't affected me and the holidays passed without much happening. I suppose I've been lucky, I've seen some people get affected by some pretty bad curses as of late. Also it is nice to have some peaceful holidays..even though I've spent them mainly with the cats.
Zero's come back to the City but...he's the way he was when I left home. I had hoped all three of us could stay together longer. I didn't want the problems of home to come here. Now he doesn't want to talk to her. She's still Yuuki-chan, no matter what happens. It's not fair to treat someone like that after all those years. I may not know what happened then but I know that she hasn't changed.
I miss Yuuki-chan. I haven't seen her much since she left and I wish I could spend more time with her, like we used to. I know things can't go back to that but maybe I can speak to her so we can meet every few days to just do fun things. At least I can still talk to her....it was very lonely at home when I didn't know how she was doing.
I hope Kaname-senpai is taking care of her..
[Later added (also typed) // Public]
I hope everyone has been doing well. It's been rather quiet here, but the cats have been playing a lot so they've kept me busy. The holidays were rather quiet but I've heard that there have been some bad curses lately. Hopefully the rest of the month won't be too bad.
(OOC: Yori-chan is alive again! I've gotten more of my muse back and this post really helped kick start things. She just needed to ramble a bit I think, after all, having things like they were at home is not treating her too well. She's been rather sad since she's lost both her friends for the second time. Now for this post, her original ramble was public at first since she was absent minded and didn't realize that she hadn't set it to private. She set it to private about half an hour after she posted it, so feel free to have seen it and comment on it. She'll be a bit embaressed about making that mistake.)