Aug 12, 2010 07:10
What I've learned:
The way to overcome obstacles in your life is to change neuro-associations.
This means that the things which you associate with negativity needs to be re-associated with pleasure.
The simplest way to do this is to get yourself in a positive mindset by thinking about the most enjoyable things you know and then put yourself in the association of the thing which you dislike or have challenges with.
(This technique works with marketing. This is why many ads do not focus on the product but an experience which they want you to associate with their brand.)
The linking of items to strong negative or positive emotions can anchor the emotion to the item so that as soon as you see/hear/taste/smell the item your emotion will shift.
Three Neuro-Associations that I have made in the past which have enhanced my life:
1) Associating haraam things like eating pork, smoking and drinking to pain by researching all the reasons why they should be prohibited in Islam.
2) Associating public speaking with pleasure by relating it to the sales process. I got so much pleasure from closing sales that it allowed me to link that pleasure and overcome the stage fright.
3) Associating reading with pleasure at a very young age. My parents are responsible for this. The overwhelming encouragement to speak and read led me to begin reading on my own by the age of 3. My attempts at reading began by memorizing the stories as my folks would read to me and then getting the book on my own and remembering the parts of the stories that went with each page. My parents encouraged and praised me at every step until I could read anything I looked at. By the time I was in 6th grade my reading comprehension had become elevated to collegiate level. Currently my reading comprehension is complete. I rarely encounter words that I do not know and I have become familiar with most topics of politics, religion, science, the arts, literature and history. I was introduced to Edgar Allan Poe while still in the first or second grade (I forget which now) and that alone has shaped much of my understanding of the world.
Three Neuro-Associations that I have made in the past which have hindered my life:
1) I associate cleaning with pain because my mother cleaned my room with a garbage bag on many occasions and if I cleaned and failed to do a perfect job then I was punished.
I need to learn to associate cleaning with the pleasure of living in a house free of clutter and dirt and somehow create an internal reward system for cleaning to counterbalance the remembered pain of failing to do a perfect job.
2) I associate working with pain. After working in three jobs where i have been undervalued, unappreciated, underpaid and verbally abused on a regular basis it is hard for me to get up in the morning and get motivated to start work.
Somehow I have to get back into the mindset I had when I was with Radioshack where my co-workers and boss were supportive and fun to be around. We worked hard, long hours but I enjoyed the work, excelled at my job and was rarely ever late for my schedule.
3) I associate buying new clothes/shoes with pain. There are hundreds of combinations of experiences that have led to this point and I can in no way relate all of them. This has led to me wearing things beyond the point of them literally falling apart on my body.