Conversations with the gods on an adult

Nov 14, 2019 13:40

Have you ever communicated with the gods of planet Earth?

Would you like to talk to them, at least sometimes?

Now you have such a rare opportunity. Do not miss your chance to talk with the gods.


Description of feelings:

the state of all-embracing flight, far antiquity,

feeling like an omnipresent eye

(then the condition deepened)

Question: Hello, Death.

Death: Hello.

Q: Death, please tell me, are you created by God or created by people?

DEATH: Mostly created by God.

Q: Why?

DEATH: To maintain balance.

Q: How are you different from Life?

DEATH: I’m practically no different.

Q: Are you a living being? Can I say that about you?

DEATH: You can. I am changing.

Q: Depending on what you are changing?

DEATH: Depending on time and space.

Q: Can you say that once on Earth you were different?

DEATH: Yes, it is.

Q: And which one?

DEATH: I am constantly changing.

This can not be described in words.

I was just different.

Q: When we talked with the ancient Russian god Veles,

he said that there were times when you were not on Earth, and then people called you. Is that so?

DEATH: They set me apart.

They called me Death and isolated me from the main stream of energies in which the Earth exists.

Q: And what is your main difference from Life?

DEATH: And I and Life - we create a balance. Life is in one direction, and I in the other. No more...

Q: Is this balance of two principles necessary for the manifestation of something third?

DEATH: This is just balance. Earth system balance. People are born, they die, but the balance remains.

Q: Tell me, is there death for you?

For all living things there is death.

Since you are alive, death must be for you. So?

DEATH: I am an energy that changes, and for me death is when I gain other properties.

Then, perhaps, people will call me something else.

I can’t get anywhere, I can only change.

Like everything else, however.

Q: Do you know to whom you will come again? And how do you know?

DEATH: I come to where there is a need for me. There is no clear plan in this regard.

Q: Whose need is this?

Who does she come from?

From the man himself?

DEATH: This is the need of the Earth’s energy field, which includes all the forces, beings.

The need for a single organism, of which people and other creatures and forces are a part.

Need comes from this whole.

That is, from a specific person to whom I come, and also from many beings and phenomena. From the whole.

Q: In what guise can you appear before a person?

DEATH: As he imagines me, so I will be.

Q: What happens to a person when you come?

DEATH: His body is dying.

Q: And how does a dying person experience you?

DEATH: About the same as he is experiencing birth.

Q: And yet, in more detail, how? What does he feel?

DEATH: He feels a lot of things.

In practice, he passes through this whole world.

Q: How?

DEATH: A person feels his death, and when there are moments before he dies, the whole world passes through him.

He says goodbye to the world, and the world says goodbye to him.

At least with the body.

Q: How does this happen?

DEATH: A person, when he lives, is in contact with everything that surrounds him.

He has many connections.

With people, the sun, the moon, trees, rivers, fields ...

And when he dies, everything comes to say goodbye to him.

All this comes to him and helps to overcome this milestone, to take the last step.

Q: What then happens to human consciousness?

DEATH: The human spirit does not fly far.

His energy remains in the energy field of the Earth.

Q: And in the first few minutes what happens?

DEATH: It dissolves. Coming out of the body, he becomes free energy.

Q: Does everyone at this moment remain aware.

DEATH: Yes. At the time of death, a person experiences something similar to enlightenment.

He very keenly and vividly feels the world.

These moments are a huge discovery for man.

Q: One of the most striking events in life ...

DEATH: Of course. Death is the greatest event.

Q: What happens next, after dissolution?

DEATH: What is for man or for the Earth?

Q: Both for him and for the Earth.

DEATH: The Earth maintains its balance. If someone dies, then someone is born ...

Q: But, after all, according to statistics, this is not always the case.

Mortality can be greater than the birth rate sometimes, sometimes the other way around.

At other times, ten people die, and one is born, or vice versa ...

What does it mean?

DEATH: This is not about statistics, but about energy.

One person can carry energy for ten. In one direction or another.

Therefore, one-to-one statistics are not applicable here.

At birth, a person is endowed with certain energy from the general field of the Earth.

If at the moment of the birth of a given person the Earth needs so much energy, then this person will contribute so much.

And the other is a different quantity and quality.

But the balance is maintained all the time.

When a person dies, energy is released from the body. Because, not in every body, energy constantly supports the energy field of the Earth.

Q: What next?

DEATH: The energy of a person, his spirit returns to his home, in a huge energy field.

He fulfilled a mission in the body and - returned.

Q: But what about the soul? What is happening to her?

DEATH: Consciousness expands as much as possible.

It takes on the scale of the world into which it fell, that is, the scale of the Earth.

It becomes comprehensive.

If the soul is not accustomed to such a scale, it is lost, becomes a grain of sand in this sea.

In practice, in most cases, it ceases to be perceived.

Q: Do everyone remember themselves after death?

DEATH: Everything, but in different ways. But when a person is born, then he forgets almost everything after a short time. It is as if cut out from the general energy field. There is a narrowing and limitation of consciousness at the same time. And global information is truncated and does not pass. For units only this is possible. But at home the spirit remembers everything.

Q: It turns out that, being born, a person becomes isolated from the general field and receives a certain limited charge of energy for individual use. So?

DEATH: A man isolates himself.

Even when born, a person can maintain contact with the common field and interact with it.

But few are able to maintain and maintain this contact.

Too much information and high-level energy.

Therefore, the vast majority of people limit themselves.

Q: Some gods told us that a person, after death, can lose his soul, which happens in most cases, and you said this recently, but someone can even lose his spirit. Rot away. Is that so?

DEATH: Yes, that's right.

Spirit very rarely disappears.

Energy, embodied in the body, receives a ticket to life, and when it dies, it returns to the general field.

But there are distortions associated with there may be some kind of general resonance. But this is extremely rare.

And the soul has a more mundane origin than the spirit. She is connected with this particular life, with fate ...

Therefore, it is more prone to decay.

And the spirit cannot go anywhere especially.

Q: How long after death does a person lose, as a rule, his soul.

DEATH: Pretty fast.

Q: Well, do dates like nine days or forty days mean something?

DEATH: No one will tell the exact time for each soul.

And these dates - yes, within these limits, everything happens.

But by no means exactly on the ninth or fortieth day ...

Q: What about human awareness? Lost at the same time?

DEATH: Mostly lost.

But not quite, and this process is individual for each person.

A lot of factors affect this.

Q: Please tell me what happens when you practice spiritualism.

Many facts are known when people called souls, for example, great people: Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Napoleon and others ...

Who is communicating with at this time?

DEATH: They communicate with the Earth’s energy field. And with whom else is it possible to communicate?

This is all happening in a single energy-information space.

Q: But a concrete soul no longer exists. And the spirit of this person could already reincarnate for a long time.

This is not Churchill and Roosevelt ... And who?

DEATH: Energy and memory remain in the field of the Earth. Energy can only transform. She does not disappear at all.

Q: Tell me, please, are you a creature of the Earth plane, or the Galactic, or the Universal?

DEATH: I exist in the field of the Earth.

Q: Does this mean that in the Universe there are places where there is no death?

DEATH: In the Universe, there is balance everywhere. Call him what you want.

Q: And for the gods there is death?

DEATH: They are also energy that changes and can move from one state to another.

Energy cannot be destroyed.

It can be changed, it can be attached to some larger stream, or, conversely, it can be distinguished from a large stream to a smaller one.

But it is impossible to destroy energy.

Q: That is, life is movement, and death is peace?

DEATH: Death is also a movement.

Q: And how does it differ from the movement of life?

DEATH: Life is a ticket to an allocated state, and death is a ticket to a home.

Q: And what is a house?

DEATH: Home for man - Earth.

For the spirit, the house is the Earth’s energy field, where it really interacts with everything.

This is for him a house.

But there are individuals on Earth who do not lose contact with the whole, and who during life feel at home, because they are everywhere and everything.

Q: Is the transition painless for them?

DEATH: Almost invisible.

Energy flowed from one place and flowed to another ...

Q: Do you communicate with other gods?

DEATH: Everything that is in the field of the Earth - all gods, entities, - everything interacts with each other.

Communication in our world does not mean either that of you people.

We are always in communication.

It is never interrupted.

We complement each other all the time, maintaining a common balance.

Q: For the Slavs, for example, the word "death" has the root "measure".

Hence the name of the death goddess - Mara.

The granted term passes - the person moves to another world. This is true?

DEATH: This is not a measure of time. This is a measure related to energy balance.

Q: Is this measure invariable from birth or does it depend on more factors?

DEATH: From a very large number of factors.

Q: That is, in the course of life, a person can both bring closer and delay the time of death?

DEATH: Of course. Human energy varies depending on human life.

And a lot of factors influence when a person returns home.

Q: Why did it happen that most people in our era are more afraid of you than anything?

DEATH: They are closed. They are afraid of what they do not know.

If they knew me, they would not be afraid.

Q: Were there historical eras when people were not afraid of you for the most part?

DEATH: Of course they were. There were epochs when people lived hand in hand with me and with the whole energy system of the Earth.

Q: There is such an expression - "Death as an adviser."

Is it a metaphor that says it’s important to remember death and the passing, or can you really be an adviser, as a creature?

DEATH: I can give every person a lot of useful information if you contact me.

If someone in life is in constant contact with me, then I provide him with tremendous information.

Q: What does it mean to be in constant contact with you? And what does it mean to contact you?

DEATH: A person can turn in at moments when, for example, he is locked, figuratively speaking, against a wall.

And now he, previously closed to everything, can at this moment turn to Death.

After he received the answer, he can again go into his carapace.

Q: That is, such an appeal can occur in some extreme situation?

DEATH: Of course. People do not remember death when everything is fun and tasty ...

And to be in contact with me does not mean constant conversation with me.

This is the awareness and acceptance of my constant presence.

When a person realizes that he lives in a world where there are many energies that are essentially the same, and does not close from them, then he is in interaction.

The life of such a person is very rich.

Q: It is believed that death and sleep are very similar. And in a dream and after death, a person enters the mythical Slavic world of Navi. If so, what role do you play in the process of sleep?

DEATH: This is not entirely true. This understanding is simplified.

In the process of sleep, the defenses that a person puts up in his life soften, and his energy breaks out, as it were, and comes in contact with those energies that make up the Earth’s energy field, including me.

And when I need to convey something to a person, when he unconsciously addresses me, the answer may come in a dream, since at this time the defenses are weakened.

A person in this state can accept the information that he would never accept while awake.

Q: That is, in a dream a person is open to a common field of energies and communicates with them, and therefore with you. And it is in this sense that sleep and death are close. So?

DEATH: Yes. In a dream, it is easier to communicate with a single energy field.

Q: And when he dies, a person fully enters into this contact ...


Q: In this world where we are now (the Slavic world of reality), a person receives some specific objective experience,

But what's the point of staying in the world where the souls of dead people go (in the Slavic world of Navi), in another world, as they say?

DEATH: There is much more experience than here. Everything lives and develops there too.

Q: Why then be born?

DEATH: That's how the world works. The balance must be on and around the Earth. One cannot contrast one another.

It is impossible to remove the dense shell and leave only the subtle world, just as the opposite is impossible.

Q: Is the earth a mortal being?

DEATH: Like any energy field, it can change.

Q: But once it breaks up, like a physical body?


Q: What will happen to all energies then?

DEATH: They will move into another form of existence.

Energy is indestructible.

If the Earth disappears, as a physical body, then the energies will find another platform, speaking in linear language.

Q: When the Earth disappears, will you come to it?


Q: Will it be some other creature, like Death?

DEATH: The earth is open to all energies. It will be a transformation of all energies.

Q: Can you feel or desire something?

DEATH: I can. I also live, change.

Q: What are your feelings?

DEATH: They cannot be described in your language.

Q: Do you feel likes or dislikes for people? To all or to individual?

DEATH: No. I have no likes and dislikes.

Q: Whether it’s a saint or a villain, does it matter to you?

DEATH: Of course, I want more people to be more open and at least somehow interact with the world around them, and I am pleased when I see this interaction.

But for me there are no differences among people. Just people who are open to energies, they do not live on Earth, but already at home.

There is no death for them in the sense of ordinary closed people.

Q: You are present everywhere and know everything.

Please tell me, are there any people on Earth, or maybe there were once people whose physical life would have far exceeded a hundred years?

Or even a thousand years?

DEATH: More than a thousand - no.

Q: And the longest life - how many years?

DEATH: There were people who lived openly to all energies, respectively; they almost did not fight with external energies, letting them pass.

The body of such people lived differently.

They lived up to a thousand years.

Q: Eight hundred or nine hundred is a real number?

DEATH: Yes, quite.

Q: These were people of our era?

DEATH: No, in your era, the maximum duration is two hundred to three hundred years.

In general, the law is this: the less you resist, the longer you live.

Q: What is a normal life span? God given ...

DEATH: Like in past eras. About a thousand years.

Q: There are rumors that you can replenish your energy reserve at the expense of other people, and thereby extend your life. Such a case leads Castaneda ...

DEATH: These are toys. It is thus possible to extend life, but not significantly. Far to the numbers we talked about.

Q: Can you say why this balance is maintained?

DEATH: For life. Development cannot go only in one direction. Otherwise there will be an imbalance.

Balance is the possibility of the normal flow of energies.

Q: How can a person change their attitude towards you?

What needs to be done to stop being afraid of you?

After all, fear sits in the genes of people of our era ...

DEATH: Yes, you correctly said that fear sits in genes.

It takes a lot of work to clean yourself of garbage under such initial conditions.

The first thing to do is to turn to face me and realize that Death exists, that it is always there and will not go anywhere.

And open up, interact with energies. With all the energies of the earth.

In this way, a person can join the whole.

Q: Now, people, in order to live the normal God-given term that we talked about for hundreds of years, lack an internal philosophy of longevity.

I would not even say longevity, but normal living. What can you advise for the development of such a psychology and philosophy?

So that a person knows why he should live long. Indeed, in the same genes the meaning of living for a long time has been lost.

A person leaves, sometimes without knowing why to live long ...

DEATH: Psychology and philosophy itself should go to a different level.

A person needs to learn to feel the world, to feel life, to be open, not to resist. And if this contact is restored, the questions “why live” will not arise.

This will be a matter of course. And there is a meaning.

In the meantime, people are trying to think, and not feel and contact directly, it is all useless.

The world must be accepted as it is.

Q: Please tell me why, sometimes, to people who lead an almost useless plant lifestyle, you sometimes come for ninety years or more,

but to others who are burning with some activity, have not yet managed to realize their talents, you come early, and others die in infancy?

DEATH: This is very difficult.

It all depends on the smallest factors and to global ones.

From the energy of the spirit itself, which is embodied, to the energy of the whole Earth. Everything works for the whole.

I cannot explain in more detail - there is not enough language, although I see and experience the image of a multifactor whole, where everything is in its place and everything is natural.

More not to say.

Q: And yet, what do people fear most of all in you?

DEATH: They are afraid of themselves.

They are afraid to look into their eyes and understand who they are.

Therefore, everything that I carry seems so painful. This is a huge amount of energy information that scares a person.

A very complicated way to enter and take this volume. To do this, you will have to reconsider, redefine many decisions, abandon sustainable images of yourself and the world.

Most people are not ready for this.

Q: But when you come, it still happens. And it happens radically ...

DEATH: When I come, yes. There’s nowhere to go. And of their own free will, few people want to know something.

People prefer the beaten track to the unknown. And trodden paths do not lead to the discovery of the world.

Q: Tell me, please, such things as spiritual search, asceticism - do humanity need it, or is it also notions and attempts to escape from the stream of life, the energies of the whole?

For many, this is now just a means to somehow stand out from the crowd. Prove to myself and others that I am something special ...

DEATH: Spiritual seeking is needed when it comes from the spirit, and not when it comes from the mind, someone's calls or desires.

Spiritual development is an internal development, the development of the spirit, in order to gain access to the universal energy system.

This is a global process, and not at all what most so-called spiritual seekers understand now.

Q: In essence, this happens simply during the course of life, if one lives correctly, in contact with the world.


Q: But, on the other hand, in order to be in contact, you need to do something ...

DEATH: When you live in contact, it is as if you are floating on a river.

You have no questions.

You have everything, including a complete picture of the world ...

Q: But what to do when you are not in contact?

DEATH: We need an expansion, a rejection of the foundations, systems, habitual views, and all that is sustainable.

Q: Thus, all practices, techniques, and the like are needed for the sole purpose - to get in touch with the whole. With the energies of the planet. So?

DEATH: Yes. Exactly.

Q: Thank you. After our conversation, I became much less afraid of you.

DEATH: Contact. Will communicate.

Q: What to do to contact you outside of extreme situations?

DEATH: Internally turn, desire.

Q: Addressing you makes life fuller and brighter. Thank you.

DEATH: See you later.

Excerpt from a book

"Conversations with the gods on an adult"

Vladislav Lebedko.

(The translation was done using Google translator.)
