Title: The Highest of Seas, The Lowest of Men (or The Terrible Misadventures of Lieutenant Kristopher Allen and the Villainous Pirate Captain A. M. Lambert)
deannawol Link to fic master post:
HERE My first time participating in... well, anything like this. The poster was inspired by stop-motion film and more specifically, "Bunny and the Bull", the brilliant film by Paul King (see it and be amazed!). And from there on, the art just appeared. Like magic!
I should thank
deannawol for her support and encouragement (and for writing a fic that inspired me). Also, big thanks to my friends Mette and Paulyne who had to endure all my "please tell me if this little detail is too big or... does it just suck?! Help!" messages.
Chapter banners:
If you still haven't read the amazing story by
deannawol , what the heck are you waiting for?!
Go go go!