Jul 23, 2004 18:24
-=[[ FOR GALZ ]]=-
1) Most attractive feature of a guy is? Eyes.
2) Would you date anyone out of your race? I don't know...
3) Do you like Older, younger or same age guys? same age or older.
4) Would you date a guy that smokes? i've done it before. it's not too cool.
5) Does he have to be rich (like have a lot of things, nice car etc)? of course not.
6) Do u prefer taller, shorter or same height guys? taller.
7) Do u like guys with facial hair or no? depends if it looks good on them.
8) Would you want a guy that is or is not a virgin? i guess it doesn't matter. i dont want some guy who was with like 500 people though.
9) Name three important things you look for in a guy. awesome personality. someone who can make me laugh. someone who's caring.
10)Would you date a guy your friend likes or used to like? no
11)Short or long hair guys? both.
12)HONESTLY, when it comes down to dating a person, do looks really
matter? having something decent to look at is always nice
13)Biggest turnoff from a guy? ignorant dickhead guys who treat girls like shit.
14)Do you like guys that are built or more skinny? um. skinny. but alittle muscle.
15)Do you want a guy who would pay for everything? no.
16)Do you think a guy should open close car doors? if he feels like it. im a big girl tho, i can do it. lol.
19)Do you think College is a must? nah.. but a good job is cool.
20)Do you date guys like the one u just described or it's just a description not reality? well i guess i date guys like that. eh..