you dont know what you put me through
but its okay
i've forgotten you
and in some way
i hope it screws with you to know that im okay....
sigh.... very much happiness... and that quote put alot of umph into my whole good attitiude towards everything...
It reminded me screw the guys that screwed me over, cuz I am so much better than them and that I deserve better! AH HA! lol
Dude! I was hit on by this dude that was kind of hott... yet in his like 20's on the way to school this morning... it was kind of freaky..
I was driving down towne lake pkwy and this hot redneck guy was stopped at the red light and I came up next to him.
He pulled up closer, like even with my window and I looked over and he was like winking at me and smiling and junk....
Well I waved back and looked forward. then I hear his music(country of course) get louder. I look over agian and he has one
hand on the wheel and is nodding his head and smiling at me. I smiled back and was like oh shit, the only time that I don't have
range on my cell phone! he stayed even with my car the whole way down towne lake. lol.
My mom was like ok go to school and don't be running off with any old men. lol
Happiness is the secret to all
beauty, there is no beauty that
is attractive without happiness.
true true.... all the "sad girls" are not pretty.... no one pays attention to them....
Happiness makes a girl attractive....
Reality is better then a dream.
more significant ;; more meaningful
It`s just true. It`s what`s happening at the moment.
you can't be old && wise if you
were never young && crazy ;; *
DUDE! I get to to go to country fair in may!!!! so excited!!!!
You ain't down home....
lol sorry... julie roberts...
but its gonna be me amber ashley nick and I dunno who all else is going...
2 days in riped jeans, cut off shorts, tank tops, and dixie shits and sexy country bois! lol
you were born original__don't die a copy...