Jul 09, 2005 22:16
well... monday night i went to laura's house.. i stayed the night and we (laura, leila, me, laura's dad, frances, coray-lol-, and the braty lauren)were supposed to go to 6 flags tuesday but it was closed so we went shopping at the edgwater mall on the coast. it was fun. frances (laura's dad's g/f person) gave all of us $35 to spend.. me and laura got new pants and leila got a book and some other stuff.. then we left and stayed the night at a hotel.. me and laura didnt get any sleep the night before so we were very very hyper that day lol. especially that night. coray* lol thought we were on drugs.. well by the way we were acting, it seemed like we were.. ha ha. it was fun though. o how much fun it was! lol, then we left and came back and her dad and frances wanted to bring all of us to a water park but b/c leila couldnt go we decided not to go.. so .. leila went home and me and laura hung out and stuffes.. we went to petsmart w/john and jason and ended up coming home w/3 mice.. they were soo cute.. except for their big huge bums lol or "ducakis's" lol, dont ask.. me and laura were bein silly.. but we were brilliant and tried to put one in the cage while in the car and come to find out it can squeeze thru the bars and the cage and got loose.... we have yet to find it.. lol. and that was thursday.. so we get home and we're like oh wel... (no we didnt just give up on it.. we searched for an hr. or so for it b4 we even got home) neways we got home and decided we have to take the cage back.. then decide that we hate the tails on the mice and the bums.. lmao.. and decide that we will exchange them for hamsters.. we get to petsmart the next day.. (thanks for bringin us again john and jason) and the lady says that male hamsters will kill each other if paired together.. so we get one.. bring it home and it bites laura.. then tries to bite john, bites jason.. so im the only one that hasnt been biten.. well then we decide that we dont like the fact that he bites.. after givin it a while, he grew on us.. so we stayed up the whole night watchin movies again lol. and then today went to the creek and i came home (w/o laura ) :( .. she had to go to something for her cousin. but neways.. i stopped by jessica's house to see her.. she bought me a bar for my ear!!! i love her soo much! and boy did i miss her!
oh btw kristin got 2nd in Nationals! im soooo forever proud of that girl!
*bad news*
you know its always got to be there lol..
my cousin got hit by a motorcylce.. he's ok, but it hurt him pretty bad. scared the ever love shit outta me..
well thats all for now. i'll write later if i think of nething else to write