Clue Challenge #20: February 2011

Feb 01, 2011 23:12

Hey folks, yes it's that time again!

Unfortunately, we didn't get any challenge response fic or art this month, so I'll just move right along to the new set of prompts.

Clue Challenge #20: February 2011

Who: Don
What: Bullet
Where: Courthouse

I decided to go with something easier for this month as we don't seem to have as many takers as we did before for these challenges. So, just a bullet in the prompt (though as always feel free to add as many other things to the list of how Don gets hurt in your response as you want!) and a relatively simple location.

As an FBI agent, Don will have been in countless courthouses across the country for any number of different reasons. So be it LA, Albuquerque, DC or anywhere else where he might have worked during Fugitive Recovery, have Donny get injured there somehow. Perhaps someone smuggles a gun in or manages to get one away from a security guard/cop/agent? Or say that the bad guy on trial has connections and they try to break him out as he arrives or leaves the courthouse?

Or, if you want to go the kid!Don track, remember that his mother was a lawyer, so he'd have had ample opportunity to visit courthouses back then as well. He could give his parents quite the scare getting shot at that age! Little did they know that it would only be the first of many such scares to come...

The other reason I chose the courthouse is because, with this being February, I thought some of you might want to write romance fics and well, practically everyone that Don's dated on the show either works at a courthouse (Nadine & Robin), or has good reason to be there (Terry, Kim & Liz). And that's not to mention all of the other people he could be paired with that would have a valid reason for being there (Karen, Megan, Colby, David, Ian, Billy, Harold...)!

Or, if you'd rather go the adult!Don, family angst route, well Charlie and Alan could easily be present as well along with Amita and Larry. Perhaps they're there to meet Don and Robin? Or one of them has to testify?

challenge prompt

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