Wow, August and yet here it's really starting to look like fall what with the weather we've been having lately. I sure hope anyone else in the Northern hemisphere is having more summer-like weather than here in England!
Anyway, in July we got a wonderful fic from
rinkle in response to the latest challenge prompts (Don, alcohol, party) entitled
Bottoms Up.
Clue Challenge #14: August 2010
Who: Don
What: Poison
Where: FBI Office
I decided that after the last set of prompts to go a bit easier this month to help the muses along. So, poison. The options are quite varied for this. It could be anything.
First off, is Don the target of said poisoning? If so, a baddy could have learned his habits and arranged for a little something extra to be slipped into the coffee he picks up on the way to work, something slow acting that won't affect him right away and give the baddy enough time to make a hasty escape before anyone even knows anything's wrong.
Or it could be an inside job (or someone just got into the FBI office, not like that hasn't happened before!) and the poisoning could have happened in the building itself. I'd imagine it would be quite easy to get Don to ingest something, just dip one of his endless pens or pencils in it and he's sure to stick it into his mouth at some point. Or perhaps leave a swizzle stick at his computer coated with something?
Alternatively, there is the favorite of simply putting some powder in an envelope and mailing it to the intended target. It would have to be something that could get around the security of the mail room but, once opened, think of the panic that would create. An unidentified powdery substance in a place like that!
If Don isn't a specific target, then the possibilities get even more interesting. If something colorless and odorless is added to the air conditioning (and it should be really hot there in LA even if England has decided summer is over), then it could be spread to almost every agent in the building before anyone knows that anything is even wrong. And imagine the terror that would create! Hundreds of feds affected at once.
Or, if that's a bit too much for you, perhaps the team gets wind of plans for this exact operation and manage to catch the baddies in the act of planting the poison, but Don gets exposed anyway?
Or, if you wish to take a different take on the word poison and head down a route where the poisoining is unintentional, remember there is such a thing as food poisoning. Given the sheer amount of takeout Don no doubt lives on and the ungodly hours the team works, it's just a matter of time before they get some bad Chinese (and wouldn't it be poetic for Colby to be afflicted as well?) or something else and suffer from it?
In all cases, Donny, being stoic Donny and never wanting to lose time on a case, might just pretend he's fine and ignore the signs, continuining his work as normal and making everything that much worse!
And remember, just because the where? is the FBI office, I didn't say that it had to be the LA FBI office. You can set the fic in Albuquerque, Quantico, Denver or any other FBI office that Don might have had occasion to enter during the course of his career, which can easily extent to other offices beyond LA in the future. Perhaps Don becomes a deputy director or even the director himself and is the target of an assassination attempt? Whether or not he survives is entirely up to you, of course.
On a final note: poison has traditionally been seen as the murder weapon of choice for women... Yeah, I'll let you run with that.