Clue Challenge #11: May 2010

May 01, 2010 23:21

Here we are, the beginning of another month and thus the new set of Clue Challenge prompts. Unfortunately, this month, though we received some fantastic new fic and art, we didn't get any responses to the April challenge words or to any old challenges.

So I'll move right on to the prompts for May:

Clue Challenge #11: May 2010

Who: Don
What: candlestick
Where: dining room

Yep, I'm finally going with a set of prompts from the game on which the Clue Challenge is based (well, except for the Who?, naturally).

So, show us college!Don getting attacked in the dining room of his shared place/frat house by a burglar who'd assumed no one was home or hadn't been expecting Don to return so soon. Could be that he just hits Don once to give himself a chance to escape, or it could be that he doesn't want Don to be able to identify him...

Maybe little!Don is attracted to the pretty flame and gets himself into trouble when his mother is distracted by baby!Charlie, just for a moment. Or little!Don could simply be attracted by the candlestick on its own, seeing it as something like a baseball bat. Or he could just think it's a good idea to tug on the table cloth, bringing everything down on his head.

Don's excellent track record with relationships (*cough, cough*) could have resulted in a heated argument at the end of one of them. Maybe it even resulted in her (whoever she was) throwing anything she can get her hands on at him. Perhaps she wasn't truly trying to hit him, but she did.

Show us Don being a good boy/man, helping his mother out and just having bad luck. While he's getting something from the cupboard, the candlestick falls out and hits him on the head. That or there's an earthquake or tremor at just the wrong moment.

At the scene of a crime, Don and the others are clearing the place, cornering their suspect. Instead of giving in to the inevitable, the man grabs whatever is handiest and uses it to try and force his way past the team.

challenge prompt

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