Hello everyone,
Amazingly, the 1st of November is already here and while some of us may be too busy with NaNoWriMo to do additional challenges this month, I'm sure there are those of you who aren't participating. For you, I'm here to give you the new set of Clue Challenge prompts as well as a recap of all the wonderful new fic and art! we've gotten in response to these challenges in October.
To date, we've netted one great fic for the October prompts (Don, magic, graveyard) from
aleo_70 (
Doubt). This month we also netted our first ever art response for a Clue Challenge, namely
aleo_70's lovely
Halloween wallpaper.
This month we also saw the posting of 3 fics for old prompts! Two for the September prompts (Don, book, Charlie's office) by
rinkle (
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me) &
aleo_70 (
Ex Libris). And the next two chapters of
celadon_55's response to the July prompts (Don, fireworks, park), namely Carousel:
Part 3 &
Part 4.
Thanks so much all three of you, we really appreciate it!
Now, for the new prompts:
Clue Challenge #5: November 2009
Who: Don
What: Earthquake
Where: California
Yeah, the What? here was something I couldn't let go for long. The show does take place in California after all and it provides so many interesting possibilities.
Give us Don at the office when the quake hits and things go flying/rolling/sliding around, hurting people. Perhaps show us how differently Don and Nikki react from Colby, David or Liz who aren't used to living in an earthquake prone region and don't know how to react properly. Could be that Don gets injured rescuing or helping one of them. Or have our favorite California boy be the one least injured for once (note the word least in that sentence, I didn't say uninjured!).
Maybe Don is in his car when the quake hits and he gets slammed into another car or the side of a tunnel (or it could collapse on his SUV!). Put Don in his apartment building which wasn't built as well as it should have been and collapses with everyone inside it. Perhaps Don was chasing a dangerous suspect and ends up trapped with the man/woman, potentially even partially buried under rumble and helpless to prevent them from doing whatever they want to him.
Or forget about the team and the FBI entirely and show us little!Donny's first earthquake. Just what is going through a child's mind when the very ground decides to move and everything starts dancing and falling around them? Or make Don a little older and put Charlie with him. What will bigbrother!Don do to make sure his little brother isn't hurt? It wouldn't be any stretch whatsoever to say he'd use himself as a human shield.
The possibilities are Earth shattering (har har).