Title: Crash
Author: ALEO
Genre: Gen
Characters: Don, David, Colby, Ian Edgerton and brief appearances by Charlie, Alan and Robin
Rating: PG 13+
Warning: violence
Spoilers: blink and you'll miss it references to Fifth Man and to my fic "Crosshairs" (no need to read first)
Summary: Don discovers that the consequences of helping a car crash victim can be as painful and dangerous as they are unexpected.
Status: Chapter 8 of 10
Wordcount (this chapter): 2629
Total wordcount: ~26,000
A/N: written for Clue Challenge #2, August 2009 at
hurt_don. Prompts: Who? - Don. What? - Car. Where? - Road. There was also a suggestion from
munchkinofdoomthat I 'beat up Donny'. I think I've covered all of those prompts. :)
Disclaimer: I don't own them, I just borrowed them. Numb3rs and its characters are the property of those that created them. No copyright infringement intended. No financial reward gained. All real places and organisations are used in a fictional sense. Original characters and the storyline are mine however.
Crash, Chapter Eight Crash, Chapter One