Jan 11, 2010 22:57
wow thats all i think i can sayy --> all because of him
he takes me so hiqh && its hard to come down unless hes qone.
hes so much more than i expected && i love everythinq about it.
those kisses make my head spin. he knows exactly how to make me happy.
today he came in the cold, on his bike to spend the day w me.
at first we hunq out w the crew --> kelly, cookie, henry && damian.
at niqht we finallyhad time for ourselves && he made it worth beinq out in the cold.
i like him so much && at some point throuqh all this we kindve became addicted to each other.
i love it so much && i wouldnt trade it for anythinq else in the world.
te quiero bae(: my evil monkey<3
evil monkey