I don't understand people.
like why ppl always wna change how they are but just go drink on saturday nights.Its like when you cant have fun unless yer drunk, you know you have a problem. I know that its highschool, or whatever, and have fun or w/e. but ... come on. When your 15-16-17-18 years old and you have drug addiction and are an alcoholic . . .thats messed up. The weekends are like party havens for 16 year olds and thats screwed up. I know kids who want to have threesomes? and who have threesomes drunk? And Dora The Explorer isn't enough to laugh about any more. And it makes me sad that people just sit around n get laid, and get plasterd, and get high, its like what the hell are you doing in your life. High school use to be about grades and getting into college or getting good grades! now its like college parties happen everynight of highschool. I dont even wna go to college and deal with drug attics because guess what, I already do now. I look at the ppl down my block and look at their mothers. How their mothers were just like they are in high school. How kids just came out of them like it was the thing to do. Well, sex was the thing to do, kids were the responsibility. I know kids who have no contact with their dads, and how it affects them. Its like the cosby show is so hated because its not reality t.v. Instead its just a fairytale because truly, no family has two sucessfull parents, and all their kids get along n aren't on drugs.
I don't even wanna know what my peers children are going to look like or act like. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only kid out there who isn't into techno and ciggarettes and getting "fucked up" and I kinda like it. But being myself has made everyone call me "uptight" and tell me "I've changed" and it gets old.
I think about no clothes and why she doesn't wear clothes. She does it for attention. Prolly cause her mom yells at her when she comes home from work and her mom and dad never kiss anymore.
I really don't get
The people who fanatsize about being smarter and then go get wasted every saturday.- hmm, your going places.
The people who want to be prettier and go smoke are just as dumb. the people who hate themselve and cut themselves- thats not being proactive. It ends up in crys for help and shrink bills miles long. No one wants to be sat down by some old weird guy who writes down your thoughts. Ok, no one wants that. but then again, no one changes.
I remember laughing in school. I remember rolling around on the floor with tenisha. I remember how there was no drama back then.
I wanna feel weightless again.
And I guess so do all the other kids in my high school- and thats why they get high and burn away their brain cells, and drink away the burden so that they wake up in the morning at some place with an old weird guy writing down their thoughts.
Don't drown yourself kids. Don't get caught up in it. Or else it will just become another teenage wasteland.