Title: Watching Over You
mydoctortennantPairings/Characters: Morgana/Merlin (mention of Gwen)
Warnings: Character death, really angsty.
Disclaimer: Not real. Despite birthday wishes and night time prayers to Santa (all Hail Amy Pond!) Merlin still isn't mine!
Rating: MA-15 for themes.
Summary: When she loses her world, she knows he will always be
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A jam filled shortbread biscuit =] i have a packet now that I'm eating =] *makes tea*
I'm sorry! I'm glad you read it though, anything to distract people from laundry =P
I'm terrible for commenting but I try to as much as I can when i read things. <3 Feedback is fun. Make writing worth it sometimes when you're having an off day.
Yes! It was a fine distraction.
I had a conversation a while back about how it would be nice to have a "like" button you could press. At least on AO3 there is a "kudos" button which is helpful.
I just like to know if people like what I've written or if it makes them think about things. It is lovely to get comments (or kudos) any time and especially on an off day. I hope you are having a lovely day.
It would be, maybe there is a site somewhere where you could add widgets to a post so people can hit like? Maybe. Who knows.
Yeah, I like to know if it's hitting the right mark. Going well, apart from the lack of work. Hope you are too.
Oooh, I wonder if someone has come up with a widget like that. I should ask. I've not seen one.
Um, lack of work doesn't sound great, but if it's not stressing you out, that's good. If writing fanfic makes you more productive otherwise, then that's excellent.
Laundry is started. Will get that done before I have to pick up a child. Hope to pay bills before getting her too:) Ah, the glamorous life of a stay at home mom:P
There must be one somewhere!
I've got until April 26th, it won't be until the start of april that I start going mental about it... I'm happily writing fanfic right now so yeaaaah I'll probably stick to that for now, it makes other people happy (or sad :s oops) too which makes me happy.
Ahhh fun. I live the glorious life of an English and Creative Writing student.... aka I'm lazy and spend all day writer and reading things I shouldn't XD
Oh, plenty of time for you to do what needs doing!
Hey, you are studying writing, so you are doing just what you need to be doing, sounds like;)
Exactly! this is my argument precisely. At least I'm practising craft...
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