Title: Hearts are not had as a gift, but hearts are earned.
mydoctortennantPairings/Characters: Arthur/Gwen, slight Merlin/Morgana, Agravaine, Elyan, Gwaine, Leon, Percy, Gaius, The Dragon.
Warnings: Spoilers up to 4x09, AU after that, with no knowledge whatsoever of future episodes.
Disclaimer: Not real. Despite birthday wishes and night time prayers
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Anyway, I loved everyone in this chapter. Although I sort of wanted to slap Arthur and make him realise the truth and that Gwen is HIS and he's the only one she loves. But I understand his reactions while everyone's keeping secrets from him. That's so cruel. Poor boy. :(
Merlin. OMG I LOVE HIM!!! I wish I had a friend like him. (not meaning that i don't have good friends) But I mean someone who's willing to do anything to bring you and your ex-lover back together. Ok, maybe this case is a bit different from the general relationships, since it affects the future of Camelot and the entire Albion. But you wrote the Merlin-scenes so well that I almost forgot that I was reading and not watching them(lol dunno if you know what i mean). I loved how he wanted to convince them both that they love each other and that the whole thing was part of Morgana's evil plans.
Gosh you have to write more soon!!
Haha, did or not, Merlin just doesn't want to know XD
I want to slap him because he clearly wants to have her back in his life, but I can completely understnad his reservations and I wanted to try and capture that.
Everybody needs a Merlin friend. Me and my Roomie were discussing how we want to be friends with Colin and make him do Merlin impressions all the time. I love soulful well0meaning Merlin. I just wish he would have done this on the show!
It's all written for this story, coming sooon <3
LOL! I'm sure he would love that. =D
I wish I had RL friends who watch Merlin and like Arwen, so that there was someone to watch the show with. :/
Oh that's so great! Can't wait for more.
Probably post sometime today =]
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