Title: No Emergency Exit (5/21)
mydoctortennantPairings: Arthur/Gwen, Merlin/Morgana
Warnings: None for this chapter.
Disclaimer: Not real. Despite birthday wishes and night time prayers to Santa (all Hail Amy Pond!) Merlin still isn't mine!
Rating: And with this chaper it jumps up to MA-15
Summary: Sometimes relationships just don't work in order. Or
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I really like this part.
Merlin giving them a little freak out is great XD . . . and its not like Uther DELETED the message so he can always play it later to Arthur and Merlin's future embarrassment . . . Morgana would be like what the- MERLIN.
Love the/my OT3 hanging out and bantering.
And the Morgana/Gwen scene is sweet ♥
I have to go to work now, allll day! =[
*licks* ♥ yoooou!
I commented . . . and then went to forage for foodstuffs, and now you're gone . . . SIGH.
I'll try and finish my fic and you can read it when you return . . . eventually.
(Do you know anyone with an icon of Merlin and his little outburst at being worked so hard and walking out? I need one for times such as these!)
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