Happy New Year!

Jan 05, 2015 07:35

I'm determined to make this year just as epic for myself as 2014 was.

I will:

- Cater Blastfest in Norway with the lovely Heather
- After that take a cheapass flight via Scandinavian Airlines to Amsterdam because I've always wanted to see it.
- Come back to the US and find a way to make this career take off even further.
- If I have the finances and situation in a good enough standing by then, do something I've always wanted for my birthday.

I'm excited about this year, I really am. Last New Year's it was about climbing out of the soul-sucking misery of corporate life - the shackles crafted from a combination of security, a steady paycheck, and suffocating rules and schedules. I no longer cared about existing to make money with only a shimmer of my passion hanging in the background like a beautiful dress shoved in the back of the closet.

I wanted to live.

And now that I'm truly living and truly happy doing it? The sky is the limit. Or possibly the stars.

Happy New Year, everyone. :-)

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