May 09, 2005 12:08
yesterday we spent the day with some friends of ours who live out in BFE, so we rarely see them but it's always fun. they owned the Big Yellow House before we did and that's how we met. Anyhow, the guy is a pilot and owns a couple planes and an aeronautical business. He's invited me to go flying with him in his acrobatic 2 seater. Sounds cool excpet I'm scared to fucking death of flying, I've done it alot in my life but it has never been a pleasant experience. Although I like the idea of flying and being free and all that so it is very tantalizing. Barrel Rolls, Stalls, Hammer Heads, all that shit, whatever they are, sound fun. Everything except the crashing into a mountain at 180mph. Although it would be good first hand research for my Coral City Aeronauts comic. I think I may do it, I need some excitement in my life. I'm also considering looking into going fully vegetarian, maybe not vegan, but only farm fresh, cage-free dairy and no meat. That's a tough one because I grew up on that shit. Although I think I will lose weight and fell better. oh and on a personal note, if you were one of the lucky few who saw Charlie's pics of his wife on his blog, count your blessings, they're gone now. No doubt after his wife saw them. I could see that coming a mile away.