Story #1
Someone has put a lot of thought into this project. There is even an outbreak map:
Don't forget folks, May is Zombie Awareness Month!
Story #2 (technically stories #s 2 and 3)
Our soon to be ex-Governor is a very busy man these days. First he rushes to give medical assistance to a child who collapsed "during a midday event recognizing members of the Governor's Council on Physical Fitness" by fanning him vigorously with a red folder. (Note to self: must add red folder to first aid kit): Then he offers a bottle of water as well as a medical opinion ("He'll be OK") to a driver trapped in a car after an accident. Good thing he always has a photographer handy.
Wish he would do something more useful like go stick his finger in the hole that is currently spewing oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Probably hard to get a good photo op several thousand feet under water, but they could get some nifty photos of him standing on a boat, shielding his eyes against the sun and calling out to the dying marine life, "You'll be O.K." maybe he could even fan the oil spill with a red folder. Not that I am cynical or anything.
And speaking of that, Florida friends, "Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary is asking for the community's help to prepare for injured birds and coastal cleanup as the disastrous Gulf oil spill moves towards Florida." More info on their website here: I will be posting a list of things they need. If you can't make it to the sanctuary, e-mail me on LJ and I will collect and take to them.
Items needed by Sanctuary: linens, kennels, towels, sheets, dawn detergent, pepto-bismol and toothbrushes. Also rakes, shovels, adhesive bandages and heavy rubber gloves.