Name: Aff
LJ Username:
kamikazecrayonsAge: 18
AIM Screename: PrincessIronFan
Character's Name: Sabaku no Temari
Character's Age: 21
Character's Model: Ayumi Hamasaki
Year in School: senior
Major/Minor: Major (Criminal) Law/Minor Criminology
Clubs/Activities/Job?: martial arts, gymnastics, cross-country running, chess, riflery, debate, works at a law firm on some weekends, filling out forms and shadowing at courts etc.
History/Biography: There’s plenty of perks to being the mob boss’s daughter; the money for a start, as long as you turn a blind eye to where it comes from. And then of course there’s the nice big house, the flash cars, the exotic holiday homes, the fake friends who’ll bend over backwards for you out of fear, the teachers who give you the best grades out of fear, the high ranking connections, the party invites from people you’ve never heard of and of course all that useful ‘security‘ whenever you need it. Most people would kill for that sort of lifestyle (most people in and associated with the Sabaku family do.)
Temari however, isn’t one of them.
Her father goes by the name of ‘The Kazekage’ (Chances are even his kids don’t know his real name) and along with a few others he rules the Japanese underground with an iron fist, his hands in every drugs ring, blackmailing, hacking and ‘waste disposal‘ racket out there; all whilst hiding behind the mask of Sabaku-san; successful business man, caring politician and devoted loving family figure. This is all well and good in the publics eye, but to anyone in the mob the idea is a running joke often discussed with a few drinks over a poker table in the basement. Really c’mon; caring.. devoted.. family? This isn’t a family, It’s a business.
Temari still remembers the day they stopped being a family.
They were being driven to the hospital, the chauffer and her father in the front, Temari, her younger brother Kankuro and their mother, heavily in labour, in the back. Their car was flanked by a few others - the security shift for that night. Steal alloy wheels, black finish and tinted windows; fathers favourite cars.
There had been rumours that a rival group were targeting Sabaku no Karura and her unborn child, the unborn son that would soon be yet another useful tool on his fathers belt and yet another nuisance to anyone rival organization. Hence all the extra protection, The Kazekage didn’t want a scene of any sort, the scandal would be horrendous.
Even with all the planning and prior knowledge the first gun shot came as a surprise, it usually does.
In just a couple of seconds the previously quiet motorway exploded with noise and flashing lights. Peering out the window over her brothers head, Temari watched as her ‘uncles’ poured out of their vehicles with their Uzis and pistols, responding through gunshots to the ’bad guys’ that had caught up with them on the dark road.
She vaguely remembers her father barking orders, ordering his wife and children to stay down in their seats whilst their driver shifted into high gear and race off down the motorway, followed by some of her fathers men and a handful of the enemy. Gunshots now echoed non-stop across the moonless sky, her father was hanging out the window firing his own pistol; somewhere behind them a car swerved into the roads divider and exploded. On Temari’s right her brother was crying hysterically, on her left her mother was swearing violently, pressing a hand to her swollen stomach in pain.
Temari held both their hands, sunk low into her seat and squeezed her eyes shut; hoping it would all be over soon. Her father would fix it just like he always did..right?
Half a mile up the motorway one of the unmarked cars caught up alongside their vehicle. Temari saw nothing but she heard it all. The quick repeated sound of gunshots, the bullets hitting the side of the car, the bullets riddling her screaming mothers body as she fell instantly against her young toddlers.
When the distressed pair opened their eyes there was blood everywhere - that’s one detail both Temari and Kankuro remember specifically. The car previously at their side disappeared off an exit road, The Kazekage was hollering for the driver to stop and they screeched to a halt immediately in the middle of the motorway. Temari and Kankuro where quickly bundled out of one car and into another by their fathers closest advisor and friend, Baki. Somewhere on the other side of the car their uncle, a real one, Yashamaru was howling mournfully.
The Kazekage’s children were taken back home where the maids and nannies immediately took charge of the bloodied and traumatised youngsters, who luckily had suffered no physical wounds. There was no mention of Karura or any of the other casualties of that night.
Sometime in the early hours of the morning her father returned, along with the remaining survivors and a newborn baby boy, as bloody as his older siblings had been just a few hours ago, yet eerily silent with wide unblinking eyes.
Her mothers body was in the trunk. One open gauze across her abdomen now joining her fatal bullet wounds.
They held her funeral in the family's private mausoleum, along with the organization members lost that night, they were praised as heroes. The newborn was named Gaara just like Karura had wanted.
Despite the sudden events that night her father did an exceptionally good job of covering it all up. As far as anyone was aware Karura had died giving birth in their home, around the same time a large scale car crash had occurred on a nearby motorway, But naturally what sort of mafia would they be if they didn’t have a decent clean-up crew?
There was some questioning by local police, rumours and suspicions fly awfully quickly around these parts, but they got nowhere. The Sabaku family employs the rule of omertà, forbidding anyone to cooperate with the authorities on pain of death.
It kinda blows that this is her earliest memory, Temari thinks to herself. Most kids remember play parks and balloons and ice cream and all that shit. But now after eighteen years its just another chapter in her life. Just like the gunfights outside her school, the episode where her uncle Yashamaru, driven to madness by his sisters death, turned on Gaara in an assassination attempt (too bad little Gaara, just as mad as his uncle, got him first), or that time in high school when Temari found a rival gang member tied up and gagged in the trunk of her car, but that’s what she gets for lending her Porsche to Kankuro.
She rides a motorbike now.
She can’t complain all the time though, after all its because of this lifestyle that she can handle most types of guns, has enough fake Ids to fool national security and a strong network of associates which is damn useful when she needs anything (legal or not) as well as several ‘uncles’ and family friends who would gladly ‘remove’ any problems in Temari’s life for a cut of her allowance. (Except Kankuro, he’s out of bounds unfortunately)
Temari’s a good girl despite it all, she has no tattoos, has all her fingers and toes nor has she ever been arrested (meaning she’s never been caught), and now she’s at college working hard and keeping herself busy with lots of extra-curriculum activities. her reputation is just in her family name, really.
Well, at least that’s what she likes people to think. After all, good girls are just bad girls who don’t get caught.
Third person writing sample: Diverting her gaze from the sky, Temari turned back to the laptop situated on her knees.
She’d just had an epiphany you see, about where she was going in life.
School had been so easy, her teachers had been terrified to give her and her brothers anything less than an A. she’d never had to focus on her subjects, never had to think about her favourites, her preferences, her choices.
Like it mattered, her father made the choice for her in the end anyways, it was always going to be that way. And she couldn’t really argue - he was paying for every expense.
But law and criminology? Dull. But fortunately she’d been able to pick her college of choice and she’d gone with this one, the campus was wide and beautiful, the accommodation was good, there was plenty to see and do, the city nearby had loads of shops and most importantly it was just far enough away from home.
She missed Baki sometimes, he’d looked after her and her brothers more than their father had done. But it was nice to finally be able to make a phone call and know that it wasn’t being tapped by Japans CIS
She yawned and stretched her arms above her head, cracking her knuckles and leaning back against the tree she was using for shade on that hot spring day. This essay on the difference between foresight of consequences and intent was grating on her nerves, why wouldn’t it just write itself? For a moment she wished one of her fathers cronies was around to write it for her. Most of them had more than enough first hand experience with criminal law anyways. She yawned loudly and took a swig from the soda can at her side. It was her fathers choice of business that got her on this course in the first place.
Most of the time the Sabaku mob was untouchable, but now and again there would be a cock-up and the next thing they knew there’d be a trial. Recently there had been more and more talk about her father being linked to the underground, luckily for him he was a politician as well as a businessman, and everyone knows politicians are all sleazy bastards anyways.
But the fact was, Temari contemplated to herself as she typed, that lawyers are expensive, especially defence lawyers and especially defence lawyers who were trying to get mobsters off the hook. She could see how her fathers mind had come to this; they needed an insider, someone on the playing field of justice who could toss the criminal underworld the baton.
So it came down to her, she was doing this law and criminology course, she was going to go on and take the bar exam, become an attorney and keep her father and his men out of jail time and time again. She was going to be one of them. Another black suit, shades wearing, gun toting tool of her fathers.
Temari smirked as she saved her essay and closed her laptop gently. It’s a pity her father had never been able to figure her out - he might have seen this coming.
Sure she’d do the law degree, use her families money and use the years away from home to get a life, even use her families connections to get her way up the social ladder.
But a defence attorney? Please, Prosecutor has a much nicer ring to it.
Yep, Sabaku no Temari, Prosecutor in the making.
She was going to take everything her father had given her and stab him in the back with it.
Temari grinned to herself, packed her laptop away and headed back to her room, tossing her empty soda can in a nearby bin.
It was a lovely day today.