
May 18, 2005 21:44

This is...interesting, to say the least. A journal, eh? Well, I suppose it will be nice to have some way of keeping myself sane.

I've been travelling around a lot lately. Not sure where I am right now, though I know it's somewhere in Lycia. Haven't been here in quite a while! Where is this, Caelin? Ostia?

Can't really afford to stay in one place - it's old news now that the Black Fang fell, but unless the public believs that we've all died (doubtful), I suspect there's a relatively large price out there for 'Hurricane'. (After all, they did say I was second in ability only to the Four Fangs. I think I was sorely overrated. Oh well, it doesn't hurt me for them to believe it, now does it?) I wonder where Jaffar is? And what about Nino, is she alright? Heh. Perhaps I'll run into them again some day. Or perhaps not.

Speaking of which, I thought I saw someone from Eliwood's army the other day. I don't think I've seen any of them since I left - and I left rather quickly after Nergal's defeat. As I said, no point staying in one place.

Anyway, the one I thought I saw: that Karel fellow. Long brown hair, Sacaen, carried a was definitely him. But he was acting so unlike himself! Of course, Karel was never one I made an effort to speak with, but I can tell that wasn't the way he acted. I won't go into the details now, though. I'll keep an eye out for him, because it'd certainly be nice to see a familiar face around here.

I'm getting a little bored, just wandering.
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