RPing has been busy today! Partly due to the meme in
planeocracky, but I've also been kept relatively busy at
romancedressing. And Athrun and Tsumugi are cute together. Who knew?
Okay, show of hands -- how many of you are actually surprised by this development? I mean, my journal has been Ike-themed for a very, very long time now and my lack of a drive to change it has absolutely nothing to do with that.
Seriously, though. I may not have played either game in quite some time, but that doesn't make Ike any less The Man. He's badass enough to wield a two-handed broadsword in one hand. That alone qualifies him for awesomeness. But even more than that, he's also a natural leader, has a good sense of right and wrong, makes for an epic straight man (seriously, just check out his interactions with Ranulf sometime; they're hilarious) and gives a mean rousing speech. He even talks a goddess out of a BSOD. And his swordplay is just fun to watch. Especially his criticals and his signature attack, Aether. And by the end of Radiant Dawn, Ike is the single most beloved figure in all of Tellius (except Daein, for reasons I won't get into). He led the victory effort in two wars, reunited two races long at odds with each other, defeated a goddess, and gave another goddess reason to believe in herself.
And that, my friends, can only be described by one word: GAR.
Day 1 - Very first videogame.Day 2 - Your favorite character.
Day 3 - A game that is underrated.
Day 4 - Your guilty pleasure game.
Day 5 - Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were).
Day 6 - Most annoying character.
Day 7 - Favorite game couple.
Day 8 - Best soundtrack.
Day 9 - Saddest game scene.
Day 10 - Best gameplay.
Day 11 - Gaming system of choice.
Day 12 - A game everyone should play.
Day 13 - A game you’ve played more than five times.
Day 14 - Current (or most recent) gaming wallpaper.
Day 15 - Post a screenshot from the game you’re playing right now.
Day 16 - Game with the best cut scenes.
Day 17 - Favorite antagonist.
Day 18 - Favorite protagonist.
Day 19 - Picture of a game setting you wish you lived in.
Day 20 - Favorite genre.
Day 21 - Game with the best story.
Day 22 - A game sequel which disappointed you.
Day 23 - Game you think had the best graphics or art style.
Day 24 - Favorite classic game.
Day 25 - A game you plan on playing.
Day 26 - Best voice acting.
Day 27 - Most epic scene ever.
Day 28 - Favorite game developer.
Day 29 - A game you thought you wouldn’t like, but ended up loving.
Day 30 - Your favorite game of all time.