Nov 15, 2004 19:25
yo....this was my weekend
Friday went to school it was chillin then got to math class I had a sub. and i felt like gettin kicked outta class so i decided to piss the teacher off by askin her alot of questions when she told me to shut up a million times lol....then i got sent to the office the principle is my COUSIN so obviously of the hook I just chilled in the office untill 4th period...then i came home watched the day after tommorow which is a freaky ass movie...then my cousin dragged me to this skating rink kinda like skateland i havent rollerbladed since 5th grade so i wasnt bout to bust my ass so i just played video games till these hott girls came in best beleave i put on them skates lol i got 1 girls number it was chillin....
saterday my boy shaun came over played Grand theft auto san andreas from fuckin 1 to 9 o clock at night we were kickin ass then we went to my cuzins 18th birthday party down the street at like 11 first it was gay i left then shaun came to get me again because that shit was bumpin like around 2 came home at 530 6?..shit was off the hook
Sunday chilled at home watched the football games then went outside shot some shit then went to fye to get the Eminem cd encore shits crazy..then i watched the patz game and went to bed and thats it peace....
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