
Jun 12, 2004 00:04

So I went to Nates and babysat with him and all of that good stuff. Then I went to his baseball game, but fallon didnt even show up so we got to leave. Then I spent alot of the week with my aunt sue. Shes was rad and I love to spend time with my family. OH!, I got to see my kitty who I get to take home soon. Im going to name him socks because he is black and white and looks like he has sockies on. very cute. I have a passion for sleep. I seriously love it. Today I woke up at 10:45 (the earliest yet)and decided to take a nice long bubble bath. Of course as soon as I get in, my mom calls and tells me that we are going to Reno. So I rush out of the bath (which was momentarily delayed do to a VERY lage mosquito ). Then I realized that I still had chores to do. Then Nate called and I told him that my mom would take us to get tickets for the show tomarrow. So I hurriedly did my hair and makeup and set out for Reno. We got our tickets! Then we went to the mall and Nate made fun of me because I got MORE flipflops. OK, I admit it, I didnt NEED them, but I am a shoe whore and cant help myself. We had alot of fun and just hung out all day. I love spending time with him. When we came home we watched the new Lord of The Rings. Which Nate and I both agree is way way to long. Everytime you think its going to end, NOPE theres more. Nate and I talked about alot of stuff and Im glad that he can tell me things. He has the outie to my innie bellybutton, we fit together! Summer is going pretty swell. I start summa school on Monday, G-rate :( . Its for my own good tho, I get to be in Biology next year with the 10th graders. saweet

Peace outside
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