Dec 10, 2009 11:52
From: Janet
Oh man, I am jealous! My birthday is the 27th. I wanna go away too . You are going to disappoint many of our male members - Pat keeps telling them that you will be there - you are the incentive for attending - now no one will come! LOL - No pressure here!
Have a great time in PR and a great holiday
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 9:37 AM, Jessica wrote:
I’m here every other day of the year!! I am actually going to Puerto Rico---the 19th is my birthday :), so as much as I’d love to meet the fellow members of the NTMA, I think I might like Puerto Rico just a tad bit more :)
From: Janet
I thought that Pat said you would??? Going anywhere fun?
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 9:28 AM, Jessica wrote:
I am so mad that I won’t be here that week!
From: Janet
Good morning everyone! Hope you are all having a great holiday season and are looking forward to 2010.
We will be having our next NTMA meeting on January 19th. We will begin our evening with a plant tour of (where I work), and then head over to the Tudor House. The speaker that evening will be some guy, Chief Operating Officer of the NTMA.
It should be an informative and interesting evening - hope you all can make it!
I will be sending the "official" invite out sometime during the first week or so of January. Please respond as soon as possible - I will need to contact (my company) and Fishers pretty early on, so please try not to wait until the last minute - thank you!!!
Again, have a great holiday and hope to see you on January 19th.