Jul 30, 2003 22:28
basically I thought going to fresno today was gonna be a drag, but my Andrew decided to come along, and my cousin wanted to as well. They crack me up! They made the drive so much fun, just being stupid as hell. We turned up the radio hella loud and sung along with it. I did the girl part for evanessense and he did the guy part... he did an upper body dance to go with it. Haha, on the way there, these girls kept staring at him (not that i blame them in the slightest!! but dude, i could of been his gf for all they know....rather rude) He mooned them.... I was like oh god... I fuckin picked up speed and was gone... 30 mins later, we pulled over to get something to drink, and those girls pulled in right behind us... he looks at them was all.. "sorry no more shows for today" that boy has no shame. Thats okay, I have my moments as well. A lot of them.... my friends will vouch.
Plus, I think I found another place to move into, with two other girls, that seem very nice. Its not for sure though, I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Neways, Im out for now....bye bye