Aug 13, 2003 20:59
ok let me first say please dont copy of me thanx
jesus fucking christ people nobody wants to be like you get that through your fuckin head so get a fucking life. all your lil pathetic anonymous fuckin comments yeah thats gay like all of you. this is all a bunch of shit even when it comes from your family wich i cant belive is even happening sense all the time i have helped you out and you know thats bullshit. you are suppose to be on my side no matter what but thats not the case you turned your back on me befor and now your doing it again and all i can say is why. this fucking anonymous comments in everybody journal is gay to we know whos it about and who it is comming from yeah thats fucking stupid leave it alone. looking through my window what the fuck is that about can you say fucking crazy. all your lil promises fuck that you dont know shit about shit worry about what is happing in your own life and live you own life dont mess with anybody eles or say shit. and all the people who say they care about me fuck you. you dont give to shit about me. im fucking happy now and im going to be happy. nicole this part is for you im so glad i found you and i just want to say thank you. i mean who eles would let me get a pengiun and let me name him waddles and wear a spiked coller and live on the beach with nothing but bagels and cream cheese and all of that good stuff well i just want to just tell you i love you
everybody eles dont comment in this trust me i wont read it just when your done reading it just that all the information sink into your head.