Title: Traveling is More Fun with a Navigator
Author: hurinhouse
For: Sheenianni for WC Pairings
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Mozzie, Neal
Word Count: 3,107
Summary: Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success ~ Henry Ford
Traveling is More Fun with a Navigator )
But the whole story is like that. They way Moz observes Neal and considers how he'll mentor him for their future partnership. The episode with Keller was telling despite its simplicity. And the conclusion was brilliant.
It's interesting how their relationship slowly develops from (temporary) partners to a real friendship. This is who Moz would be in "real" life. I like it a lot.
Hmm. Read it again after reading the comment above, because it seemed like we were talking about a completely different story. And I realized that the story was much funnier and light-hearted than I saw it. But then, Mozzie would say that "The focus determines your perspective", or something similar. I've been thinking too much depressing thoughts lately.
Anyway, love it, probably more on the second read now when it actually made me smile.
(And I definitely need a break soon.)
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