Christmas Fic
Title: It Changes Everything
Author: hurinhouse
Fandom: White Collar
Rating: G
Characters: Neal, Elizabeth
Summary: Neal's been at the Burke's thousands of times, but this is a first
Disclaimer: Entirely fiction
237 words
He'd stepped over this threshold thousands of times in the past, but this tread felt like… more. Pivoting, squeezing his load through, the excitement bubbled through him, a blissful frenzy.
He meandered over to the tree for a quiet moment before anyone saw him, setting his package down and squatting beside the tree, humming along with the carols on the stereo. Silver mirrored the white lights and blue eyes focused on the soft bright flashes filling the room.
"Neal. There you are."
Elizabeth's face lit up and she bent down to the basket Neal had brought. His own face stretched when he couldn't stop smiling. Kisses rained down and she spirited the package from him. He followed her to the kitchen like a puppy, almost giddy at being here, now. A pride he failed to reign in.
"Where's your better half?"
"I'm right here," he quipped.
El waved him off. "You should be the one parking the car."
"She hasn't driven for a month. She needed the break."
"And you?" He heard Peter coming down the stairs so he reached out for a last minute kiss and squeeze before his treasure was swept away completely for the duration of the evening.
"I wanted to be the first one to bring my son through that door."
Her own pride beamed at him as she pulled the babe from the carseat, "You're going to be a great father, Neal."
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