Jun 03, 2004 22:18
These hits, these hits
and you are a drunk
who finds photographs everywhere
a half-naked albino
tucked into your bra
a boy holding your hand
before you throw up in his lap
the street on a tuesday
when it pours
and you catch a cold
To say as little as possible: I won seven hundred and fifty dollars
in a writing contest. Andrew says it's even better than the time
I pissed blood.
We swoop, we swoop.
At breakfast Tommy asked what happened to my elbow. Why the
all-encompassing bruise, et cetera.
I looked him in the eye and in a sober and even voice said, "I
walked into a door." And then, looked down sadly.
But my darling, this is just a bi-product of my fist fight with
Justin, which really involved only six punches (five of which were
thrown after the fight was officially over), the bruise on the
elbow comes from being knocked over by a hundred and forty pound
bag of bones.
Awards night last night. High school and achievements and
I wore a red dress and sat with a John O'Hara book in my lap and
then stuffed my face and then called Angelica from a pay phone.
I promised myself I would sleep, but am not sleeping.
It's all right to jack off to Christina Ricci.
But is it all right to jack off to Christina Ricci as Wednesday
in The Addam's Family?
Because probably not.