
Nov 11, 2004 17:21

oo mann, i didnt really do nethiinq today, juss came on here, watched tv, talked on the phone alot & went to the new pay half at the lincoln mall, daammmn iit wus crowded there.. buhtt i qot a black & qray south pole jacket & a shiirt .. buhtt i cant qet it until christmas, o well.. omq iim so happy that my cuzin bryan is qunna be comin home frum the army around december 22nd! i cant waiit to see himm, i miss hym soo muchhh!! buhtt hesz leaviin to qo back to south carolina or sumthinq at liike the end of january, buhtt my family is still happy we qet to see him! im so happy that 2morow is friday & mandasz suppose to be sleepinq over tooo & we miiqht be qoiin out, iidk yet.. yep so riite now im juss talinq to ppl online, on the phone & typinq a letter to my cuziin bryan thatsz in the army, cuz he lovesz qettin lettersz.. i hope thiis weekend me & manda can qo to the mall to see joee, everytiime we make plansz, they end up never workiinq cuz of stupid parents.. oo mann i think im fallinq in love wiid him.. well im qunna qo, laduh.. i love you.. <3
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