its hot in herrrre! nelly is it cold over therrre? do u need a sweaterrrrr? lets go2 times squarrrre

Aug 30, 2002 21:36

LMAO i know u love the subject of this. anyway, this entry is dedicated to miss shannon elizabeth mcveigh. she told me to WRIGHT about her. lmfao ; shan, HELLO DEAR. oh, ATTENTiON BOYS: shannon cheats on her boyfriend with jimmy fallon. SHE IS NOT LOYAL!! lmao. shan, i was not making out with johnny. that is soooo wrong, girlfriend. lets go back to ( Read more... )

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j0hNnY'S GoT thE WRiGHT sTUFf! anonymous August 30 2002, 19:11:59 UTC
::SPECiAL aNnOuNcEmEnT:: AuGuST 30, 2002 sTory By ShanNoN mCVeiGh: ALeXanDra ChAseZ was CauGHt CHEATiNG yEStERDAy On HER LoVEr Of a LOt oF yeARs, JoSHuA CHAsEZ, oF tHe woRlD ReNOwNed BanD *NSYNC. ALeXaNDra acCoMpaNIeD hER hUSBaND to THE MTV ViDEO muSiC aWaRDS LaSt NiGHT, ANd ALl seeMed to BE GoiNG WeLL. At AboUT 12:30 AM,fOllOWinG the AwARdS ShoW, the COuPLe ArrIVed At p DiDDYS GLaMoRouS AfTeRpArTy, wHiCH seeMEd to bE the LOcaTiON of THe ShoCkiNG sCanDaL. JoSHua, BetTer KnoWn As JC, LeFT AleXanDra's SidE shoRtly afTer Their ArriVaL in ORdER to GreeT SomE oLD FRiENDS. AT thiS pOinT ALeXanDra ToOk iT uPon hErseLF to sEEk Out THe COmPanY oF JohNNY WRiGHT, NSyNC's BELovED mANAgER and FRiENd, and THe HeaD of WriGHt EnterTaiNmeNt GRoUP. The TwO weRe DiScoVereD by SeVeRaL AnOnYmoUS SouRcEs MAKING OUT iN the miDdLe oF the DaNCe FLoOR. WhEn JoShua DiScOVeRed The Love OF hiS LifE MAKING OUT wiTH JoHnNy, hE waS apPaLLed To sAy the LeaSt. LittLe elSe is KNowN AbouT THis SHocKing diScoVerY as Of Now, ALThouGH the COuPLe diD leAVe the ParTy sepArateLy. MOrE deTAiLs To COmE.


Re: j0hNnY'S GoT thE WRiGHT sTUFf! huqqiez August 30 2002, 19:17:51 UTC


Re: j0hNnY'S GoT thE WRiGHT sTUFf! huqqiez August 30 2002, 19:22:23 UTC
i would NEVER dream of cheating on my beloved joshua!!! <33333333 but anyway p diddys party was KICKiN. you should know. you went with justin. and ended up in bed with JIMMY FALLON. you little cheatin' slut! IM TELLING! lmaoo shan I LOVE YOU!!!


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