Aug 25, 2002 17:37
i woke up this morning and went to church back in my old town which i misss a lot. then i went to my grammies and saw like my entire family there. it was fun cuz everyone's been on vacation and we havent seen each other in a while. and i saw my baby cousin anthony .. hes starting to crawl now. hes so cute :D <33
then i went to sports authority cuz i needed new running sneakers. i got a pair, theyre cuute i like em. then i found those sketcher sneakers with like wheels on the bottom .. u know, those shoes britney spears does ads for. lmao, so of course i flipped out and put a pair on and skated through the store. it was so much fun. and then britney spear's *stronger* came on so i was signing and rolling thru the store. people thought i was crazy.
well now im mad. ive been trying again all day for these damn vma tix. and IM NOT WiNNiNG THEM. and i figured, fine if i cant win them maybe i can buy them. UM, THE LOWEST PRiCE iS $3,500. im not made of fucking money!! ugh. that is so retarded. im so mad, im sorry. i wanna go realllly bad. i mean ill go either way and stand outside but i mite not even get close AT ALL. so. whatever. GRRRR.
ever since i moved i havent gone out in SO long. like its been weeks. and im so fcking sick of this house im here every night. ughh i want school to start.
whoa im in a bad mood. things suck right nowwwww. im goin, byez <333