[There's silence and the sight of a very cracked ceiling. It seems the PCD is just laying somewhere. Then there's the sound of someone humming mixed with the sound of a musket being cocked. Seconds later a shot rang out, mixing with the crescendo of her humming.
The humming faded as foot steps retreated. Several minutes later something...rainbow
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Must we display such things publicly? First it was Fran's pile, and now this. There are children who look through these machines.
Zo~? Zhey should already be avare of vat iz needed for zurvival here. A person zhat cannot hunt cannot feed zhemzelves.
Knowing what is needed for survival and being at ease with it is very different from having it thrust into your view in such a graphic manner.
Bezides, If zhis is zhe doing of zhe Animus, zhey vill be gone zoon anyvay.
I agree that the killing of the sheep is not needless. It is the display over the little machines that is needless. That the sheep are here for us to make use of is a wonderful gift, and we should not waste it. But showing the actual slaughter to everyone is unnecessary.
I pray that a few will at least remain, that we may continue to have wool and meat.
But I did not show zhe slaughter~. I showed zhe end product und completely on accident. If you cannot take a little blood, zhen look zomevhere else. I vould haf azzumed zhat if Bubbles had a problem vith zhis, she vould haf been vocal about it already~.
Accident? Then, forgive my scolding. It seems I spoke too harshly for the circumstance. [An apology would still have been nice.]
The sight of blood does not bother me as such. Only when it is a friend or kinsman who is bleeding do I worry.
And you speak truly. She does not have any trouble voicing her thoughts on anything. It is rather charming, is it not?
[Sometimes, she does make sense, other times not so much.]
Tch. It iz okay~. Next time azk before azzuming.
One of my kinsmen is here - my cousin Tybalt. He looks out for me and protects me. And I would not trade his presence for the world.
Zhen you may find yourzelf vorrying a lot~.
Tybalt can more than look after himself. It is he who worries over me most of the time. Somewhat unnecessarily, but it is his way.
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