[Emotions were not something Rip was used to dealing with. At first, she was unsure of what was happening, even after the Animus posts. It didn't make sense to her, why would she care about sharing anything? She didn't want to be close to anyone here!
So the Huntress decided to go for a walk. At first, she was uneasy. Then other emotions started to
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[He shakes off like a dog, then picks up his towel and starts drying his hair.]
What are you doin' here?
For a moment she wrinkles her nose before pausing. A feeling of distrust washing over her. Now that was an emotion she knew well.]
I haf mein reazons.
I vanted out of zhe houze. Happy? Now vy don't you go be a mongrel zome vere else.
"... Ja.I vat zhese... horrible feelings to go avay."
Letz zee how you handle zuch foreign feelingz zhat you are unfamiliar vith!
[Once more her anger was rising. Moments later she swings at him with her umbrella, exposing herself to the sun. She doesn't seem to car that the exposed areas are already turning red and starting to blister.]
I am a being of var! Zhere iz no place for sadness or despair on zhe battle field! I am a Huntress! I love zhe chase und zhe kill! Zhis! Zhis is vorse zhen death! How can you... filthy creatures ztand zhis!?
[He takes his massive towel and throws it over her body.]
Stop burnin' yourself up for nothin'. You wanna' get hurt, go piss off your jailer. You can't tell me you weren't a normal human, once. You had to be somethin' before world war 2.
There's movement under the towel, finally she peeks out, using the massive towel much like a blanket to cover her form. Sapphire eyes stare up at him. Already the burns were starting to heal. Tears were welling in her eyes as sadness seemed to over come her.]
I haf alvays been different.
It means many, many zhings Akira.
First~, You may vant to define vat 'normal' means und zhen ask zhe question again.
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