(no subject)

Aug 21, 2005 01:02

This was the longest week of my LIFE! The first day went ok. Mostly just introduction and planning with an hour of homework thrown in.My teachers all seem pretty cool. Ms. Ratliff is the bomb, as is Mr. Jackson. Mme Colquhoun (her name is spelled oddly) seems cool. She gave me like 3 euros on the second day. Hyper Chouette! Mrs. Lecesne is just Mrs. Lecesne. Mr. Hines... Ooo Ms. Hewitt is turning out to be an awesome teacher. She's all... insighful and philosophical. She's also very Tibetan Freedom. So maybe if I wear that Tibetan Freedom bracelet, she'll give me an A. Maybe, just maybe... I screwed over my in-class essay though. I started it on two tales, then halfway through class I was still stuck, so I asked her I I could do a prologue and a tale instead. She said yes, I had 20 minutes, not good. The test was rediculously easy though, especially for not even cracking open Wuthering Heights. Brave New World essay on monday... O Man! I have to do 3 Term Papers! Mer...

I Love this song!

The football game was AMAZING! A little emotionally shocking with out last years seniors, but amazing none the less. The shoes are... interesting. It's like ok red, black, WHITE! When the football players ran through the paper, OMG I thought I was gonna die. I mean atleast I thought Kenzie would, she was on the very end standing where all the football players wanted to be running. One hit my back and I almost fell. I was squeaking out of fright on my piccolo. Anywho, I think we did a pretty good job on the field at halftime. I think the drums got a little off count, but hey, the amazing woodwind dance number brought us back. I wish I could've seen it. We need to make it really cool though. Maybe we could do a side to side, then shimmy. Double overtime lasted till 11, and I was yellin' and dancin' the whole time. Good thing I got to sleep in till 730... Bringing me to my next point.

The Leadership Retreat.
Apparently we can't choose our homecoming themes, so everyone is Grammys. We are Mo-Town. Seniors = pop. Sophomores = rock. Freshmen = country. We have to do 007 james bond type thing next year. Also, if anyone's looking for a service club, please sign up for Junior Civitan, Please! Alot of the people there are in band, so you'll be in good company. I'll be at the table on thursday during lunch, so I'm sure I'll see you there... We're starting a car-wash this year. It's gonna be piyamp. Some seniors are gonna put mud all over their cars, write when and where the car wash is, and park them in front of the cannon at the gates and in the parking lots. I'm excited... There's probably more, but I can't remember.

I want to put in something about the seniors, but I think Mannie truly expressed it perfectly. So if you're his friend, then hop on over and read that, and if you're not than why are you reading my livejournal...

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