Mar 08, 2005 00:56
Hey everyone. I haven't updated in about a month, lots of stuff happened though. Actually the last time I posted was about that scary site with the guy singing. You gotta check it out. I have been listening to a lot of oldies lately and am finding myself to be liking these songs. But, you know your a band nerd when you start thinking about how these songs could be played in the stands. Wow... Ok, I'm gonna separate these events in paragraphs chronologically. Yes, nerd, I know.(OMG I almost had a meltdown just now, it did the whole backspacing deleting thing, but some how it all came back, unlike my cute valentines day post, tear.)
A while ago we went to GMEA Honors band thing, which was actually pretty fun. I have never gone to one before so this was a great "learning experience" or whatever people call them. I was the only one in concert band to get in! Grrr that Mr. Hines. I'm only gonna have, like, what TWO WEEKS to learn all the Wind Ensemble (Oh excuse me, Symphonic Winds) music! Including Armenian Dances! They've been practicing it for like 5 months! Not that I don't already have the music, but yeah. But man, Mr. Hines hasn't given Kenzie her music yet. Eesh, that'll be a fun two weeks. Jess is coming up too! And Beth I think, maybe katie. But were all having to play in concert band at state festival, play in symphonic winds at national festival, and play in both at the concert. Not that I'm complaining. I'm actually really excited. But when are we gonna eat lunch?! Anyway, back to GMEA thing. The instructor guy sweat like a pig eating Indian food! I was like "Throw that man a towel!" He was like dripping on the floor, near me *shiver*. I thought some tuba had like spit-valved their instrument next to my chair or something. Ok I have talked way to much about him sweating. He seemed nice and everything, but the music was another story. Apparently, older music that someone may have already played is a terrible thing to use, so we used all 2004 made stuff. It was alright, I like the first song we played the best. Hey does anyone know when we are supposed to get those cd's? I sat next to two male flautists. I told Eric and he was proud. I'm pretty sure the guy on the left, Win or something, wasn't interested. The guy on the left, Danny?, looked semi-interested, but the third chair girl was all over him anyway. I actually have a picture my mom took of her flipping her hair at him while he is rolling his eyes over. Hehehe... But I wasn't really interested in them either. They were both freshmen. I mean, I have no problem with age difference, but only if I were in 11th grade and they were in 10th. The freshmen state of mind is just too much to handle. I am liking my manless (well boyless) life at the moment right now anyway. I really need to concentrate on school now, what with colleges and all, which will bring me to another topic of interest that follows later in this chronological escapade, so I'll get to that later.
Then came A Midsummer-night's Dream. It was awesome, probably one of the best experiences of my life. We had the purple musicians and the Titania fairies and, o well thats all that mattered anyway, right? Just Joshin', but anything that I say cannot do this justice so I'll just do a stream of consciousness about this unconscious affair (It's a dream, yeaah...). Well, dancing and... flauting (maybe) was a lot a lot a lot of fun. And I don't repeat words for just anything. Laura and Kirk (and Bahama and Tony and multiple others), and Gala did an awesome job on my makeup and the singer fairies (actually spelled faeries or something) bore with me on the low notes (I mean come on Tony, staccato-ing a low D in a line is darn near impossible), and Robert did an awesome job on the music (he's the next Purcell, except not Henry), and the musicians were great what with the running off and on stage thing, Ooh and the Flintstones which was funny, and sooooo much other stuff. Man, it was awesome, I'll leave it at that.
Spring Break! A much deserved break from school usually centered around skiing, lying on a beach, or partying. But, "what are you doing?", some may ask. Can you say schoolwork? Term paper, English paper, college touring, when will it end, WHEN WILL IT END! Not that I've actually touched my book bag all week, but hey, who's counting. Mr. Bryant is actually letting me burn a cd for my term paper about music in the Renaissance. Mrs. Morgan let me borrow her CD on English Folk music or something, which is actually not bad, if I do say so myself. But as far as college touring goes, my brother and my mom went to see Oxford at Emory on Saturday and we all went to see Auburn yesterday. Auburn was actually a pretty nice school, but I don't think it has everything that I want. It has a pretty nice Liberal Arts section, but it's performing arts is lacking. I mean it has a great marching band and everything, but no. They had a place called Toomer's Drugs right outside campus and OMG they had the best lemonade and limeade I have EVER had! It was AMAZING! I mean, I probably have some type of diabetes from it, but MAN! It's worth it.
Ok, there was my month for you. If you read it all, I am shocked. Well, actually never mind. Most of you guys seem pretty bored, so living vicariously through me and my LJ shouldn't seem too bad. I'll talk to you all later.