Mar 29, 2004 08:47
Only dream of the night (gone - partial memory): I was in the hallway of a hotel, talking to a girl I knew in one of the rooms. Behind me, a kitten was meowing from one of the closets, where it had been hidden. The manager was coming down the hallway to find the cat, since pets weren't allowed. Megan and her mother intercepted him and convinced him to search one of the other closets first, but I could see he was going to the correct closet next. I quickly walked over to him, bumped into him, then walked away as suspiciously as I could, hoping he'd think that I'd stolen something, but although everyone in the lobby stared at my suspicious exit, he didn't seem to notice.
I got to the outside doors before I gave up on him following me, and came back inside. Megan had the kitten in her arms, and was crying, while the manager was yelling at her and ordering her outside. I stared him in the face. "You're a bad man," I said. He began to protest that he was just doing his job, but I just waited until he stopped and said, "No. It's you," then walked away after Megan.