Books, books, everywhere

Dec 15, 2010 20:46

You know how some people's bedrooms are so strewn with clothes that you can't see the floor? My room's a bit like that right now, only instead of clothing, it's carpeted with library books. Despite the fact that I have an important law report due next Monday, I've spent the last two days utterly engrossed in a new favourite: Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder. It's a must-read, no doubt about it. Restored my faith in quality fantasy.

I recently gushed about Hunger Games, which was admittedly addictive reading, but Poison Study is true quality. The writing tastes original; the plot is fast, complex and makes demands of the reader; the characters are gritty and flawed. Brilliant. I can't wait to make a start on the sequels, so hush on spoilers if you've read the series! If you haven't, then get on it - you won't be disappointed. Promise.

Among the books floating across my floor are Emily Rodda's Rondo series, the entire Wodehouse collection - capital stuff, old boy - and a heap of David Sedaris novels. I'm experiencing considerable temptation battles within myself. To read or to study?

Pshaw, the question is what to read first!

books, review, procrastination, law

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