You know when it gets to Sunday night, and you spent the whole weekend doing everything except studying, and suddenly you realise that come Monday, you're going to fall into a pit of bleak, bleak despair at the utter impossibility of finishing everything in time before Easter weekend?
On the plus side, just got a pay slip and I've been bumped up to $21 per hour (except for Sundays, which is $30/hr). Almost makes it worth wearing the bunny ears. And the fact that people kept buying easter eggs when I hadn't eaten for four hours and had to restrain myself from chomping straight into the al foil.
The fun stuff I did during the weekend included meeting the lovely
silver_falcon24 while attending Rich Fulcher's Comedy Festival gig. (My sister and I also sighted David O'Doherty wandering the streets, stalking him from in front along Swanston Street, but meeting Jacqui was much more interesting.) :p Rich Fulcher is a legend. I think I'm permanently scarred. Could not stop laughing. Dave Brown was there as well! He's gorgeous. Eleanor is similarly... enthralling, and much much more attractive than Bob Fossil (while remaining just as disturbing).
Oh my god I'm still procrastinating. Note to self: STOP TYPING AND DO THE WORK.