Car troubles.

Jan 24, 2010 12:15

So I maybe destroyed my car a bit. Maybe. Not sure. It seemed abnormally difficult to steer last night, and I think something underneath was scraping against my driveway that doesn't normally scrape. And there was that massive arm-thick tree branch that I ran over (accidentally) night before last; I blame the extreme winds and the bloody gum trees overhanging our front yard.

Bugger it.

Might help if I knew what the underside of my car was supposed to look like. I have no point of comparison. Cars make me bored - until I destroy them. Then they make me saaaaad.

All this is making me remember that I need to get a Myki sooner rather than later. Sadly, the website, much like the entire system, is soul-crushingly confusing. It's all tossycock.

I was watching Sydney's Big Day Out live on Channel [V] yesterday, and was cheered by the fact that, while I managed to FAIL at getting tickets for Tuesday, I'm instead going to be working. Tuesday = Australia Day = BIG MONEY. Who needs Muse/Lily Allen/delirious fun, anyway?

i fail at life, work, music, car

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