Travels with my mother - Sunday pm & Monday

Apr 22, 2013 21:39

Mother and I have talked about going to The Netherlands to see the bulb fields for ages so this year we decided to do it instead of talk about it so herewith is a brief travelogue of each days adventures as they occur.

This is not as easy as it might seem and involved looking in every direction but the obvious one at the airport and having to ask some one at the tourist information place, on the bus and at the concert hall once we got off the bus where our hotel was! We did find it, eventually it was behind the concert hall and we naturally had walk the long way round to it.

It is... Compact. very compact never mind cat swinging you couldn't swing a mouse but it's clean, warm and has wifi (however flaky) so I'm not complaining.

This morning started off badly with us getting stuck in the cupboard sized lift as we went down to breakfast, mum it turns out doesn't do well in small stuck lifts but it didn't stay stuck too long so a cup of tea later everything is fine. We have spent to day out and about in Amsterdam doing a hop on hop off bus tour, drooling over the flower market and the Van Gogh paintings in the Hermitage and getting lost on the tram system which is extensive and frequent.

family, life, travel

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