To all my single friends out there:

Sep 17, 2009 17:03

DON'T DO IT! But if you really do want to get married for the love of everything holy/sacred don't go the whole big white wedding route. A nice quiet registry office event and a night down the local pub/restaurant is the best way to do it. Trust me on this one.

On the other hand my uncle is now out of hospital and doing much better, it turns out that all that was wrong with him was the pills his doctor stuck him on 5 years ago when he turn 65 which he doesn't need! (Insert facepalming and headdesking noises here) Having been taken off all of them he's better then I've seen him be for about 4 1/2 years.

Now pardon me while I go freak out/stress a bit more in this corner.

family, life, wedding

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