Jun 06, 2011 02:40
Hello LJ land...havn't spoken to you in...um...long time now.
Summer's around the corner and yesterday was a perfect day for the subsequent swimming, barbequing, inflatable Orca battles, football throwing, chillaxing on plastic floating gators and hanging with friends that ensued.
Finally got to wear the Aussie brand of Swimwear I had bought myself a while back :)
I find it amusing to see heterosexual America's response to speedo style swimsuits.
If you're not from Europe and are straight, the reponse is "What the hell, dude?"
If you're not from Europe and are gay, the reponse becomes "What the he...oh...wait...ok then."
Downsides...the day had to end :( And i have a dentist visit to look forward to soon...and the subsequent tooth pulling that will follow :(